Home Spa Lady / First E-Newsletter Issue #1 / November 15, 2005
HomeSpaLady's Wellness News Issue #1 - November 15, 2005
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
mail to: marilee777@aol.comhttp://www.homespalady.com/http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blogHomeSpaLady ™=======================================
HomeSpaLady's Wellness News. . .. . .Make Every Day a Spa Day!=======================================
Welcome to the first HomeSpaLady's e-newsletter !
Many of you have been part of our online community since our birth this summer, through either our blog or the egroup - we are now bringing our entire community together through this newsletter!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is interested in natural health, healing, and beauty based on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing the body and mind, having a heck of a good time!
Be warned - here at HomeSpaLady we go beyond aromatherapy, massage, fluffy slippers, and salt baths * * although we share many of these therapies you can do for yourself at home. . .
. . . we also share valid research on many of the alternative medical therapies and anti-aging techniques that are available along with other options for vibrant health and beauty
===================In This Issue===================
1. The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Diet
2. Relieve Office Stress - Right at your desk!
3. Sea Wraps / Body Wraps
4. Healing Affirmations
5. Essential Oil Tip of the Month
6. Contest for HomeSpaLady subscribers
7. How Do You Spa?
1.The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Diet
It's a diagnosis that is so widespread and not just with children! And we wonder why it is so rampant today. Those of us who know how foods affect our whole life, including our thinking processes and behavior, find it easy to look at diet as a potential remedy to this overgrown problem.
In the best-selling book by Rachel Bell and Dr. Howard Peiper,The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D.Diet offers a look at contributing factors and natural treatments for symptoms of these diagnosis'.
Here are a list of some of the potential causes for ADD/ADHD:
a. poor nutrition
b. environmental contaminants
c. allergies to food and environment that affect the nervous system
d. increased and repeated use of antibiotics
e. spinal column misalignments and craniosacral system obstructions
f. electromagnetic stress from TV and technology
Since this book focuses on diet it encourages the reader to do a few things to see what foods might be causing the problem such as
-fast and then eat foods separately to notice effects
-use a rotation diet
-get tested for allergies
-read about what other people did
-practice proper food combining
-see a doctor who specializes in natural care for ADD/ADHD
Dr. Benjamin Feingold, a pioneer who popularized a special diet for kids with hyperactivity which was originally presented in'Why Your Child is Hyperactive', says that the child's diet should prohibit synthetic or artificial food coloring, flavors, and preservatives. It should also prohibit any food containing natural salicylates, such as almonds, apples (cider & cider vinegar), apricots, all berries, cherries, cloves, coffee, cucumbers, pickles, currants, grapes, raisins, wine & wine vinegar, nectarines, oil of wintergreen (methyl salicylate), oranges, peaches, peppers, plums, prunes, tangerines, tea, tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant
When I first encountered this information, I noticed that much of what is listed in this book sounds like the Candida Diet. I believe the eco-terrain in the gut has so much to do with anyone's thinking and behavioral processes. Here is another reason to use essential oils - even on the bottom of the feet -so they can help keep the ecology balanced (they do for us what they do for themselves - keep the microbial environment in astate of balance - more to come on that in upcoming issues).
I bought this book at Whole Foods Market, but I am sure you can get it online at http://www.amazon.com/.
2. Relieve Office Stress Right at your Desk!
If you can access hot water and a cup for tea at work, then bring into work peppermint herbal tea bags or a bottle of peppermint oil and do this: Place hot boiling water into a tea cup Put the tea bag into the cup or drop a drop of oil Slowly lower your face over the cup Close your eyes for a moment Inhale deeply Enjoy the scent opening your sinuses, pores, and brain cells
Allow yourself to relax into this experience
3. Sea Wraps / Body Wraps
The main purpose of a body wrap is to rid the body of toxins. Wraps can be used with different seaweeds or algaes,and aromatherapy hydrating wraps are mainly relaxing and hydrating for the skin.
Different seaweeds or algaes have different benefits. Some energize, some stimulate cardiovascular circulation, some stimulate lymphatic circulation, and certain algaes have been known to boost the immune system.
Here are some examples:
- Laminaria is a brown algae, rich in iodine to stimulate metabolic processes and is often used in weight loss and cellulite treatments
- SeaKelp is another brown algae, which is more moisturizing than the laminaria because it carries more water and has high amounts of anti-oxidants.
- Spirulina is very helpful to detoxify the body - is it a microblue algae rich in proteins and contains anti-aging vitamins that help protect the skin cells.
Different essential oils in the body wrap can offer cleansing,detoxifying and relaxing effects.
4. Healing Affirmations
Louise Hay, author of 'You Can Heal Your Life', and 'Heal YourBody' has helped popularize the notion that there are mental causes for physical illnesses and has offered simple and powerful ways to overcome them. Louise Hay's books will be found in the'meta-physical' section. The word 'meta-physical', although sounding like new age mumbo jumbo, just simply means 'beyond the physical'. Hay recommends the use of Healing Affirmations to'metaphysically' overcome illnesses and disease in the body.If you look in the charts of the two books mentioned above and look up the disease or illness, you will also find a Healing Affirmation to help overcome the problem.
We can use the example of arthritis. In her book, Heal Your Body, arthritis is listed as feeling unloved, critical, and resentful. A Healing Affirmation for this would be 'I am love.I now choose to love and approve of myself. I see others withlove.'
If you find yourself having difficulty buying into this way of healing, and want a more scientific perspective of how this may work, read some of the work of Candace Pert PhD in Molecules of Emotions. Pert was featured in the recent popular movie 'What the Bleep Do We Know'.
5. Essential Oil Tip of the Month
Shingles: Ravensara oil internally. I can speak for this personally from my experience with shingles. When I found out that I had shingles I immediately consulted both the Alternative Medicine Book by Burton Goldberg and the Essential Desk Reference published by Essential Science Publishing. Both texts mentioned ravensara oil. I placed 7 drops of ravensara oil in an empty gelcap and took it internally, once in the morning and once atnight. Within one day my symptoms were gone. I did this for 21 days. I missed one morning and I thought to myself 'I'm not sure I have shingles, is this really working?' so I proceeded to not take the evening capsule. That night my pain and symptoms returned. I resumed the next morning and completed the 21 day cycle, and did not have any problems or pain for that remaining time or thereafter. Marilee Tolen RN
ps - it is important to mention here that I used only a therapeutic grade A essential oil, and as many of you readers know I only use Young Living Essential Oils
6. Win a Free Essential Oil Kit !!!!
For subscribers of this electronic newsletter I have decided to run a contest, and offer a free Essential 7 Kit from Young Living Essential Oils valued at $78.95 retail as the prize.
This is a great starter kit and has the following 7 oils:
1. Lavender 2. Peppermint 3 Peace & Calming 4. Panaway 5. Joy
. Purification 7. Lemon
Here's why I am running this contest and how to win:
I would love to have a more creative name for this newsletter,and I just couldn't get beyond HomeSpaLady's Wellness Newsletter. To me that name is kind of boring - I want something a bit more catchy. So, the most creative thought I had was to ask you! and offer a prize to the winner.
So if you are so inclined to submit a suggestion for the name of this newsletter - here are a few things that are important to me about the name, and some not so important. . .
1. it will be identified as HomeSpaLady's________________
2. I like the word Wellness
3. I haven't fully differentiated between a newsletter or an ezine - so either name is fine
So - let's see what you can do !!!
In the event that more than one person comes up with the name, I reserve the right to get creative with the prizes !!!!
Submit your suggestions to me at marilee777@aol.com with'Contest' in the subject line.
Who knows? maybe I'll take a poll or a vote from our readers!
7. How Do You Spa?
In some of my private emails and conversations with the readers of HomeSpaLady I have heard about great healings,wonderful spa experiences, and clever home remedies and recipes.
If you have any of these that you would like to share - from a spa visit, a natural healing remedy, or a favorite healthy recipe- send it in for publication in the next issue!
Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to be asubstitute for medical care nor to prescribe treatment for any medical health condition. The publisher and subscriber assume no responsibility to or liability for any person or group for any loss, damage, or injury from the use or misuse of any information in this newsletter.
HomeSpaLady's Wellness News Issue #1 - November 15, 2005
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
mail to: marilee777@aol.comhttp://www.homespalady.com/http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blogHomeSpaLady ™=======================================
HomeSpaLady's Wellness News. . .. . .Make Every Day a Spa Day!=======================================
Welcome to the first HomeSpaLady's e-newsletter !
Many of you have been part of our online community since our birth this summer, through either our blog or the egroup - we are now bringing our entire community together through this newsletter!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is interested in natural health, healing, and beauty based on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing the body and mind, having a heck of a good time!
Be warned - here at HomeSpaLady we go beyond aromatherapy, massage, fluffy slippers, and salt baths * * although we share many of these therapies you can do for yourself at home. . .
. . . we also share valid research on many of the alternative medical therapies and anti-aging techniques that are available along with other options for vibrant health and beauty
===================In This Issue===================
1. The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Diet
2. Relieve Office Stress - Right at your desk!
3. Sea Wraps / Body Wraps
4. Healing Affirmations
5. Essential Oil Tip of the Month
6. Contest for HomeSpaLady subscribers
7. How Do You Spa?
1.The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D. Diet
It's a diagnosis that is so widespread and not just with children! And we wonder why it is so rampant today. Those of us who know how foods affect our whole life, including our thinking processes and behavior, find it easy to look at diet as a potential remedy to this overgrown problem.
In the best-selling book by Rachel Bell and Dr. Howard Peiper,The A.D.D. and A.D.H.D.Diet offers a look at contributing factors and natural treatments for symptoms of these diagnosis'.
Here are a list of some of the potential causes for ADD/ADHD:
a. poor nutrition
b. environmental contaminants
c. allergies to food and environment that affect the nervous system
d. increased and repeated use of antibiotics
e. spinal column misalignments and craniosacral system obstructions
f. electromagnetic stress from TV and technology
Since this book focuses on diet it encourages the reader to do a few things to see what foods might be causing the problem such as
-fast and then eat foods separately to notice effects
-use a rotation diet
-get tested for allergies
-read about what other people did
-practice proper food combining
-see a doctor who specializes in natural care for ADD/ADHD
Dr. Benjamin Feingold, a pioneer who popularized a special diet for kids with hyperactivity which was originally presented in'Why Your Child is Hyperactive', says that the child's diet should prohibit synthetic or artificial food coloring, flavors, and preservatives. It should also prohibit any food containing natural salicylates, such as almonds, apples (cider & cider vinegar), apricots, all berries, cherries, cloves, coffee, cucumbers, pickles, currants, grapes, raisins, wine & wine vinegar, nectarines, oil of wintergreen (methyl salicylate), oranges, peaches, peppers, plums, prunes, tangerines, tea, tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplant
When I first encountered this information, I noticed that much of what is listed in this book sounds like the Candida Diet. I believe the eco-terrain in the gut has so much to do with anyone's thinking and behavioral processes. Here is another reason to use essential oils - even on the bottom of the feet -so they can help keep the ecology balanced (they do for us what they do for themselves - keep the microbial environment in astate of balance - more to come on that in upcoming issues).
I bought this book at Whole Foods Market, but I am sure you can get it online at http://www.amazon.com/.
2. Relieve Office Stress Right at your Desk!
If you can access hot water and a cup for tea at work, then bring into work peppermint herbal tea bags or a bottle of peppermint oil and do this: Place hot boiling water into a tea cup Put the tea bag into the cup or drop a drop of oil Slowly lower your face over the cup Close your eyes for a moment Inhale deeply Enjoy the scent opening your sinuses, pores, and brain cells
Allow yourself to relax into this experience
3. Sea Wraps / Body Wraps
The main purpose of a body wrap is to rid the body of toxins. Wraps can be used with different seaweeds or algaes,and aromatherapy hydrating wraps are mainly relaxing and hydrating for the skin.
Different seaweeds or algaes have different benefits. Some energize, some stimulate cardiovascular circulation, some stimulate lymphatic circulation, and certain algaes have been known to boost the immune system.
Here are some examples:
- Laminaria is a brown algae, rich in iodine to stimulate metabolic processes and is often used in weight loss and cellulite treatments
- SeaKelp is another brown algae, which is more moisturizing than the laminaria because it carries more water and has high amounts of anti-oxidants.
- Spirulina is very helpful to detoxify the body - is it a microblue algae rich in proteins and contains anti-aging vitamins that help protect the skin cells.
Different essential oils in the body wrap can offer cleansing,detoxifying and relaxing effects.
4. Healing Affirmations
Louise Hay, author of 'You Can Heal Your Life', and 'Heal YourBody' has helped popularize the notion that there are mental causes for physical illnesses and has offered simple and powerful ways to overcome them. Louise Hay's books will be found in the'meta-physical' section. The word 'meta-physical', although sounding like new age mumbo jumbo, just simply means 'beyond the physical'. Hay recommends the use of Healing Affirmations to'metaphysically' overcome illnesses and disease in the body.If you look in the charts of the two books mentioned above and look up the disease or illness, you will also find a Healing Affirmation to help overcome the problem.
We can use the example of arthritis. In her book, Heal Your Body, arthritis is listed as feeling unloved, critical, and resentful. A Healing Affirmation for this would be 'I am love.I now choose to love and approve of myself. I see others withlove.'
If you find yourself having difficulty buying into this way of healing, and want a more scientific perspective of how this may work, read some of the work of Candace Pert PhD in Molecules of Emotions. Pert was featured in the recent popular movie 'What the Bleep Do We Know'.
5. Essential Oil Tip of the Month
Shingles: Ravensara oil internally. I can speak for this personally from my experience with shingles. When I found out that I had shingles I immediately consulted both the Alternative Medicine Book by Burton Goldberg and the Essential Desk Reference published by Essential Science Publishing. Both texts mentioned ravensara oil. I placed 7 drops of ravensara oil in an empty gelcap and took it internally, once in the morning and once atnight. Within one day my symptoms were gone. I did this for 21 days. I missed one morning and I thought to myself 'I'm not sure I have shingles, is this really working?' so I proceeded to not take the evening capsule. That night my pain and symptoms returned. I resumed the next morning and completed the 21 day cycle, and did not have any problems or pain for that remaining time or thereafter. Marilee Tolen RN
ps - it is important to mention here that I used only a therapeutic grade A essential oil, and as many of you readers know I only use Young Living Essential Oils
6. Win a Free Essential Oil Kit !!!!
For subscribers of this electronic newsletter I have decided to run a contest, and offer a free Essential 7 Kit from Young Living Essential Oils valued at $78.95 retail as the prize.
This is a great starter kit and has the following 7 oils:
1. Lavender 2. Peppermint 3 Peace & Calming 4. Panaway 5. Joy
. Purification 7. Lemon
Here's why I am running this contest and how to win:
I would love to have a more creative name for this newsletter,and I just couldn't get beyond HomeSpaLady's Wellness Newsletter. To me that name is kind of boring - I want something a bit more catchy. So, the most creative thought I had was to ask you! and offer a prize to the winner.
So if you are so inclined to submit a suggestion for the name of this newsletter - here are a few things that are important to me about the name, and some not so important. . .
1. it will be identified as HomeSpaLady's________________
2. I like the word Wellness
3. I haven't fully differentiated between a newsletter or an ezine - so either name is fine
So - let's see what you can do !!!
In the event that more than one person comes up with the name, I reserve the right to get creative with the prizes !!!!
Submit your suggestions to me at marilee777@aol.com with'Contest' in the subject line.
Who knows? maybe I'll take a poll or a vote from our readers!
7. How Do You Spa?
In some of my private emails and conversations with the readers of HomeSpaLady I have heard about great healings,wonderful spa experiences, and clever home remedies and recipes.
If you have any of these that you would like to share - from a spa visit, a natural healing remedy, or a favorite healthy recipe- send it in for publication in the next issue!
Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to be asubstitute for medical care nor to prescribe treatment for any medical health condition. The publisher and subscriber assume no responsibility to or liability for any person or group for any loss, damage, or injury from the use or misuse of any information in this newsletter.
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