Home Spa Lady / Preparing Your Tummy For Turkey Nov 23, 2005 Issue #2
HomeSpaLady's Natural Wellness Newsletter
Issue #2 - November 23, 2005 Special Thanksgiving Issue
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
mail to: marilee777@aol.com
HomeSpaLady ™
HomeSpaLady's 'Natural Wellness News'
This is a special Thanksgiving issue
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, healing, and beauty based on
principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing the body and
mind,and having a heck of a good time!
In This Issue
1. Preparing Your Tummy for Turkey
2. Tips for Feeling Healthy,Not Gorged After Thanksgiving Dinner
3. How to Take Digestive Enzymes
4. Are You A Sugar Addict?
5. Natural Remedies for Indigestion
6. Gratitude
7. Idea for Black Friday Night ! A Great HomeSpa Treatment
1.Preparing Your Tummy for Turkey
Excerpt from Blog (www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog) November 20
As you prepare your menus, your invites, your shopping lists, and
your homes for this Thursdays Thanksgiving Feast - you should add
one more extremely important item to your list - the preparation
of your own tummy.
Now you might be thinking “what the heck does she mean by that?”
Well, let me ask you this. . .
. . . how did you feel the last time you ate a holiday dinner
that included hors d’oeuvres, wine, bread stuffing, meat,
potatoes, cruciferous vegetables, and pie topped with whipped
cream or ice cream?
It’s not unusual for people to complain about eating too much,
but the complaint is often accompanied by whines about bloating
and grunts about pain. This discomfort can be some serious stuff!
I know I’ve been there! - and I want to do the best I can to
avoid it - short of depriving myself all of the food. Even if its
organic and whole - the combining of those foods can play havoc
on our gastrointestinal system.
So what can we do to prepare our own tummy for these treats?
Two things - and you can start right away.
I. - acidophilus
II. - digestive enzymes
(Excerpt from Blog November 20)
Additional info:
I. Take your acidophilus or probiotcs on a daily basis to
help to populate the gut with some good bacteria - the kind that
will help balance the eco-terrain of your internal environment.
It's important to take these on an empty stomach even - if you
read some labels that say to take with food.
Actually, I have found the less expensive acidophilus (the kind
they sell in pharmacies or places like CVS) say to take with
food. My hit on that is they don't have many or any live
cultures in them - if they did they wouldn't tell you to take
with food! Taking a good quality acidophilus on an empty stomach
helps ensure that the bacteria will take and not be diluted with
Besides taking capsules of acidophilus/probiotics - there are
other ways to get these good live cultures into your belly-
Yogurt (preferably plain unsweetened)
and cultured foods such as cultured vegetables -
www.culturedvegetables.com (I'll be writing more about that in an
upcoming issue)
II. Digestive Enzymes - see article #3 below for full explanation
2. Tips for Feeling Healthy,Not Gorged After Thanksgiving Dinner
a). Don't go hungry - have a wholesome breakfast and lunch
b). Don't treat it like an all-you-can-eat buffet
c). Take the skin off the turkey
d). Serve yourself small portions of everything
e). Don't limit yourself, just limit the amount
f). Drink plenty of water - alcohol and coffee will dehydrate
3. How to Take Digestive Enzymes
(hint - this is a really long article so don't miss the good
topics yet to come in this newsletter below - )
** ** **
This is an excerpt from the book Essential Desk Reference from
Essential Science Publishing - www.essentialscience.net - it
really explains the choice we have in the array of digestive
enzymes from Young Living. This also gives you the item number
and the prices.
** ** **
(note from Marilee - as a certified colon therapist I always
believed in the use of digestive enzymes - they are so incredibly
important for all of us. Before I met Young Living I carried
another line of enzymes and I can say that there are some other
good ones out there - but I am so impressed with not only the
quality of YL's enzymes, but how they are available to us to use
with different styles and ways of eating. For example - when
you're having a high carb meal - ie - pasta - then you want to
look at taking Carbozyme - when you are having a more protein
oriented meal - like a steak - look at the Polyzyme for protein,
and also the Lipozyme to help break down the fat in the steak,
etc etc. yes, it can be a bit confusing too - so if you are
first starting out and want to get just a good general enzyme,
the one to go for is Essentialzyme. Happy Digesting !)
** ** **
Oh!!- one other thing - for you parents out there PLEASE NOTICE -
the kids chewable digestive enzymes mentioned -
KidsScents MightyZyme Chewables - this is part of what I wrote
about in the last issue in the article The ADD/ADHD Diet !
** ** **
Here's the excerpt:
What is one of the real secret to better health?
Most people don't know that the human body is designed to only
break down or digest approximately 50% of the food we eat. Live
enzymes are supplied in raw food, but as soon as we cook or
process our food, we kill all the enzymes. This is the most
overlooked situation in health today. Until this problem is
corrected the body will continue to struggle and suffer.
This is a very serious problem the are body faces on a daily
basis yet, very few people are paying attention to how they
weaken their body's protectors and repairers every single day.
Your good health can be determined by one of the two choices:
1. Don't take digestive enzymes with your food and you will use
your body's energy and enzyme reserves to help digest the cooked
and processed food. You will also distract the bodys function in
protecting and repairing the human body.
2. Take digestive enzymes with your food and on an empty stomach
and you will use the energy within the enzymes to digest the
food and clean up the blood. This will conserve the body's energy
and enzyme reserves. Digesting your food properly and cleaning
up the blood makes it possible for the human body to give all of
its attention to protecting and repairing. It will no
longer have to get involved in cleaning up the blood of
undigested particles. If you want a fully functional, effective
and strong immune system improving digestion and cleaning up the
blood is the way to give the human body back its full power to
protect and repair. It won't happen
without improving digestion and clean blood.
Great health is the most valuable possession a person can own.
It is impossible for the human body to function properly if we
are not digesting our food properly! Digestive enzymes are
necessary if you want a very strong immune system.
So take a look at our enzymes and what they can do for you:
Essentialzyme (used to be called Megazyme):#3272 100 tabs.
Wholesale $26.75 Preferred customer$30.97 Customer Price $35.20
A high-quality enzyme complex that may improve and aid digestion
and the elimination of toxic waste from the body..
Essentialzyme was formulated to help supply enzymes to those who
have difficulty digesting or assimilating food.
Essentialzyme helps reestablish proper enzyme balance in the
digestive system and throughout the body and helps improve
intestinal flora. It may also help retard the aging process.
Enzyme supplementation is particularly important for people
suffering chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, or in any
condition where the pancreas duct is blocked, thereby preventing
enzymes from reaching the intestine.
Carbozyme: #3268 - 90 Cap.
Wholesale $40.00 Preferred Customer $46.32 Customer $52.63
Carbozyme is designed to relieve bloating, cramping, intestinal
distress, and combat Candida and yeast overgrowth. Carbozyme is
an advanced starch and sugar digesting vegetarian enzyme complex
that contains pure amylase and therapeutic-grade essential oils.
Works best when combined with fiberzyme. Clinical studies in 2002
using two capsules twice a day of Carbozyme eliminated the need
for insulin in diabetic patients.
Detoxzyme: #3203 - 180 cap.
Wholesale $30.75 Preferred Customer$46.03 Customer price $52.30
A vegetable enzyme complex designed to promote detoxification of
the body. Combines essential oils with enzymes designed to
digest starches, sugars, proteins, and fats. This formula is
structured with trace minerals that help the body detoxify
itself, reducing, cholesterol and triglycerides., It
helps in opening the gallbladder duct and cleansing the liver,
preventing candida and yeast overgrowth, and promoting general
The formula facilitates optimal absorption of nutrients from
foods and supplements, delays the aging process, and maintains
optimal energy levels. It also helps to regulate the pH level
and reduce acidification and parasite colonization and
Detoxyzme also contains phytase, and enzyme essential for people
eating vegetarian diets. Phytase, an enzyme essential for people
eating vegetarian diets. Phytase is crucial for unlocking the
mineral content of many grains, nuts, seeds, and other foods
which contain high levels of essential minerals
that are unavailable to the human body because they are bound up
in insoluble indigestible phytate complexes. Up to 90% of the
magnesium,potassium and zinc in foods like barley, cashews,
walnuts, and rice is irreversibly tied up by phytic acid and
cannot be absorbed by the digestive system. Thus the phytase in
Detoxyzme results in a huge boost in mineral absorption from
diets high in nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
The benefits of essential minerals to human health cannot be
overemphasized. Magnesium is crucial for blood pressure
regulation and antioxidant production, zinc is critical for
normal immune function, and potassium is vital for blood
pressure and water balance and is found inside of every cell
in the body.
Fiberzyme: #3270 180 cap. will be back
Designed to combat yeast overgrowth and candida conditions in
the body. Fiberzyme is a high powered fiber-enzyme complex that
aids digestion and enhances absorption of nutrients. It fights
yeast infestation by digesting fungal and yeast cells. It works
best when combined with Polyzyme or Detoxzyme.
Lipozyme: #3269 180 cap.
Wholesale $99.50 Preferred Customer $115.21 Customer $130.92
A fat-digesting enzyme complex that promotes fat digestion and
enhances the absorption of fat-soluable vitamins such as vitamin
A, vitamin D, and vitamin E.
Polyzyme: #3256 90 cap
Wholesale $36.50 Preferred customer $42.16 Customer Price $48.03
The enzyme complexes in Polyzyme are used medically as powerful
anti-inflammatories that combat arthritis,irritable bowel
syndrome, fibromyalgia, ALS and food allergies.
By promoting complete digestion of proteins, Polyzyme increase
the production of key amino acids from food proteins. Amino
acids are absolutely vital for healthy immunity and health and
form the building blocks of hormone creation, tissue repair, and
muscle formation. By promoting complete digestion. Polyzyme
prevents putrefaction in the intestines that can lead to
allergies, liver stress, and toxic blood.
Protease 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 which are in Polyzyme are protein
digesting enzymes designed to work in a broad range of pH
conditions. Acid stable proteases are environment of the stomach
while alkaline proteases are more effective in the large
intestine. This combination of proteases is scientifically
formulated to maximize protein digestion and amino acid
KidScents MightyZyme Chewable #3259
Wholesale $24.50 Preferred customer $28.37 Customer price $32.24
A delicious high-powered vegetable enzyme complex for children.
Includes enzymes to digests proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Also includes folic acid and peppermint oil to enhance
The info on the enzymes was taken out of the new Essential Oils
'Desk Reference The Third Edition which you can order from
Essential Science Publishing.
Pricing for the book:
#3EDR6 -- 528 pages -- 4.1 lbs. -- pricing: -- 1-6 books
books $36.00-----14-27 books $33.00 and 28 and up $29.00
The pocket book #3EOP3 -- 268 pages -- pricing: --1-6 books
books $13.95 and 14 + $12.95
Call to order today 1-800-336-6308
4. Are You A Sugar Addict?
Think you might be a sugar addict? You can find out from my
friend Connie Bennett's website www.sugarshock.com. Take the test
called "Are You Sugar Shocked"? Connie is the author of the
forthcoming book "Sugar Shock" and her website is loaded with
information about the woes of sugar addiction. She has a new
coaching program coming up to help people kick the sugar habit.
Stop by her site and tell her I said "hi"!
5. Natural Remedies for Indigestion
What is really need for what is called "Acid Indigestion" is an
alkalinizing agent! Here are two of my favorites that I use and
find to be very effective (also for alkalinizing in general and
not only after a huge meal):
1. Umeboshi Plums
This plum is actually from the apricot family - its been used as
a healing food and medicine in China, Korea, and Japan. They are
dried and packed in barrels with sea salt. They contain loads of
minerals, protein, and even a little fat (which is great for a
fruit!) They are abundant in calcium, iron, and phosphorous. It
is called the 'king of alkalinizing foods'.
You can get these plums, or also plum paste, in most health food
stores. I suggest you keep in the frig - they keep a long time.
I take either a small amount of the plum and put it directly in
my mouth (makes you pucker!), or another great way is to put in a
cup of Kukicha Tea.
2. Alkalime
One of my all time favorites for those 'post dinner bloats' is
Alkalime (this comes from the Young Living product line).
AlkaLime is an alkaline mineral complex that safely reduces the
acidity of your digestive system.
Alkalime contains: 692 mg of Calcium,573 mg of Sodium and 142 mg
of Magnesium per serving.
How to use: Stir 1 teaspoon in 6 to 8 oz. of distilled or
purified water and drink immediately. Mix only with water. For
best results, drink one hour before or after eating.
Ingredients: Sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, magnesium
citrate, citric acid, potassium bicarbonate, sea salts, and a
proprietary blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils of lemon
(Citrus limon) and lime (Citrus aurantifolia).
And last but not least !!! - Peppermint Oil
Peppermint essential oil is a must have on your dessert cart at
Thanksgiving. It's the desert's desert !!! Some people like to
rub it on their belly after a meal to prevent indigestion.
Another way to take it is to put one drop in a glass of water and
sip it.
6. Gratitude
We must never forget the 'reasons for the seasons' and the true
meaning of Thanksgiving.
Giving thanks and being grateful is something to remember at this
time, and no better place to feel it, do it, be it - is with
loved ones at this festive occasion. Especially when the
challenging family issues come up, as it most often does at
family holiday gatherings - holding the energy of gratefulness
can help overcome much angst in the family relationship
Not only that - but just the 'frequency of thanks' alone can help
attract more good in life. Work with the law of attraction here.
The best way to do it - make a list of all the things that you
are grateful for, and keep that in your conscious awareness - as
opposed to the things that make you upset.
Here's one thing on my list:
I am grateful for all of YOU - the HomeSpaLady readers - and to
have the opportunity to share my years of knowledge, practice,
and personal experience with you. Thank you !!!
7. Idea for Black Friday Night ! A Great HomeSpa Treatment
Wow . . .after all day Tuesday shopping for turkey dinner. .
. .then all day Wednesday cooking and cleaning for turkey dinner,
.then all day Thursday preparing and eating turkey dinner,
. . .then all day Friday shopping for great deals presents -
. . .are you ever ready for a long hot lavender milk bath !!
here's how:
run a hot bath - place 7 - 10 drops of lavender into 1/2 cup of
milk - pour into the tub and swish around - then soak, breathe,
and smile :)
Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is
intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a
substitute for medical care nor to prescribe treatment for any
medical health condition. The publisher and subscriber assume no
responsibility to or liability for any person or group for any
loss, damage, or injury from the use or misuse of any information
in this newsletter.
Issue #2 - November 23, 2005 Special Thanksgiving Issue
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
mail to: marilee777@aol.com
HomeSpaLady ™
HomeSpaLady's 'Natural Wellness News'
This is a special Thanksgiving issue
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, healing, and beauty based on
principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing the body and
mind,and having a heck of a good time!
In This Issue
1. Preparing Your Tummy for Turkey
2. Tips for Feeling Healthy,Not Gorged After Thanksgiving Dinner
3. How to Take Digestive Enzymes
4. Are You A Sugar Addict?
5. Natural Remedies for Indigestion
6. Gratitude
7. Idea for Black Friday Night ! A Great HomeSpa Treatment
1.Preparing Your Tummy for Turkey
Excerpt from Blog (www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog) November 20
As you prepare your menus, your invites, your shopping lists, and
your homes for this Thursdays Thanksgiving Feast - you should add
one more extremely important item to your list - the preparation
of your own tummy.
Now you might be thinking “what the heck does she mean by that?”
Well, let me ask you this. . .
. . . how did you feel the last time you ate a holiday dinner
that included hors d’oeuvres, wine, bread stuffing, meat,
potatoes, cruciferous vegetables, and pie topped with whipped
cream or ice cream?
It’s not unusual for people to complain about eating too much,
but the complaint is often accompanied by whines about bloating
and grunts about pain. This discomfort can be some serious stuff!
I know I’ve been there! - and I want to do the best I can to
avoid it - short of depriving myself all of the food. Even if its
organic and whole - the combining of those foods can play havoc
on our gastrointestinal system.
So what can we do to prepare our own tummy for these treats?
Two things - and you can start right away.
I. - acidophilus
II. - digestive enzymes
(Excerpt from Blog November 20)
Additional info:
I. Take your acidophilus or probiotcs on a daily basis to
help to populate the gut with some good bacteria - the kind that
will help balance the eco-terrain of your internal environment.
It's important to take these on an empty stomach even - if you
read some labels that say to take with food.
Actually, I have found the less expensive acidophilus (the kind
they sell in pharmacies or places like CVS) say to take with
food. My hit on that is they don't have many or any live
cultures in them - if they did they wouldn't tell you to take
with food! Taking a good quality acidophilus on an empty stomach
helps ensure that the bacteria will take and not be diluted with
Besides taking capsules of acidophilus/probiotics - there are
other ways to get these good live cultures into your belly-
Yogurt (preferably plain unsweetened)
and cultured foods such as cultured vegetables -
www.culturedvegetables.com (I'll be writing more about that in an
upcoming issue)
II. Digestive Enzymes - see article #3 below for full explanation
2. Tips for Feeling Healthy,Not Gorged After Thanksgiving Dinner
a). Don't go hungry - have a wholesome breakfast and lunch
b). Don't treat it like an all-you-can-eat buffet
c). Take the skin off the turkey
d). Serve yourself small portions of everything
e). Don't limit yourself, just limit the amount
f). Drink plenty of water - alcohol and coffee will dehydrate
3. How to Take Digestive Enzymes
(hint - this is a really long article so don't miss the good
topics yet to come in this newsletter below - )
** ** **
This is an excerpt from the book Essential Desk Reference from
Essential Science Publishing - www.essentialscience.net - it
really explains the choice we have in the array of digestive
enzymes from Young Living. This also gives you the item number
and the prices.
** ** **
(note from Marilee - as a certified colon therapist I always
believed in the use of digestive enzymes - they are so incredibly
important for all of us. Before I met Young Living I carried
another line of enzymes and I can say that there are some other
good ones out there - but I am so impressed with not only the
quality of YL's enzymes, but how they are available to us to use
with different styles and ways of eating. For example - when
you're having a high carb meal - ie - pasta - then you want to
look at taking Carbozyme - when you are having a more protein
oriented meal - like a steak - look at the Polyzyme for protein,
and also the Lipozyme to help break down the fat in the steak,
etc etc. yes, it can be a bit confusing too - so if you are
first starting out and want to get just a good general enzyme,
the one to go for is Essentialzyme. Happy Digesting !)
** ** **
Oh!!- one other thing - for you parents out there PLEASE NOTICE -
the kids chewable digestive enzymes mentioned -
KidsScents MightyZyme Chewables - this is part of what I wrote
about in the last issue in the article The ADD/ADHD Diet !
** ** **
Here's the excerpt:
What is one of the real secret to better health?
Most people don't know that the human body is designed to only
break down or digest approximately 50% of the food we eat. Live
enzymes are supplied in raw food, but as soon as we cook or
process our food, we kill all the enzymes. This is the most
overlooked situation in health today. Until this problem is
corrected the body will continue to struggle and suffer.
This is a very serious problem the are body faces on a daily
basis yet, very few people are paying attention to how they
weaken their body's protectors and repairers every single day.
Your good health can be determined by one of the two choices:
1. Don't take digestive enzymes with your food and you will use
your body's energy and enzyme reserves to help digest the cooked
and processed food. You will also distract the bodys function in
protecting and repairing the human body.
2. Take digestive enzymes with your food and on an empty stomach
and you will use the energy within the enzymes to digest the
food and clean up the blood. This will conserve the body's energy
and enzyme reserves. Digesting your food properly and cleaning
up the blood makes it possible for the human body to give all of
its attention to protecting and repairing. It will no
longer have to get involved in cleaning up the blood of
undigested particles. If you want a fully functional, effective
and strong immune system improving digestion and cleaning up the
blood is the way to give the human body back its full power to
protect and repair. It won't happen
without improving digestion and clean blood.
Great health is the most valuable possession a person can own.
It is impossible for the human body to function properly if we
are not digesting our food properly! Digestive enzymes are
necessary if you want a very strong immune system.
So take a look at our enzymes and what they can do for you:
Essentialzyme (used to be called Megazyme):#3272 100 tabs.
Wholesale $26.75 Preferred customer$30.97 Customer Price $35.20
A high-quality enzyme complex that may improve and aid digestion
and the elimination of toxic waste from the body..
Essentialzyme was formulated to help supply enzymes to those who
have difficulty digesting or assimilating food.
Essentialzyme helps reestablish proper enzyme balance in the
digestive system and throughout the body and helps improve
intestinal flora. It may also help retard the aging process.
Enzyme supplementation is particularly important for people
suffering chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, or in any
condition where the pancreas duct is blocked, thereby preventing
enzymes from reaching the intestine.
Carbozyme: #3268 - 90 Cap.
Wholesale $40.00 Preferred Customer $46.32 Customer $52.63
Carbozyme is designed to relieve bloating, cramping, intestinal
distress, and combat Candida and yeast overgrowth. Carbozyme is
an advanced starch and sugar digesting vegetarian enzyme complex
that contains pure amylase and therapeutic-grade essential oils.
Works best when combined with fiberzyme. Clinical studies in 2002
using two capsules twice a day of Carbozyme eliminated the need
for insulin in diabetic patients.
Detoxzyme: #3203 - 180 cap.
Wholesale $30.75 Preferred Customer$46.03 Customer price $52.30
A vegetable enzyme complex designed to promote detoxification of
the body. Combines essential oils with enzymes designed to
digest starches, sugars, proteins, and fats. This formula is
structured with trace minerals that help the body detoxify
itself, reducing, cholesterol and triglycerides., It
helps in opening the gallbladder duct and cleansing the liver,
preventing candida and yeast overgrowth, and promoting general
The formula facilitates optimal absorption of nutrients from
foods and supplements, delays the aging process, and maintains
optimal energy levels. It also helps to regulate the pH level
and reduce acidification and parasite colonization and
Detoxyzme also contains phytase, and enzyme essential for people
eating vegetarian diets. Phytase, an enzyme essential for people
eating vegetarian diets. Phytase is crucial for unlocking the
mineral content of many grains, nuts, seeds, and other foods
which contain high levels of essential minerals
that are unavailable to the human body because they are bound up
in insoluble indigestible phytate complexes. Up to 90% of the
magnesium,potassium and zinc in foods like barley, cashews,
walnuts, and rice is irreversibly tied up by phytic acid and
cannot be absorbed by the digestive system. Thus the phytase in
Detoxyzme results in a huge boost in mineral absorption from
diets high in nuts, seeds, and whole grains.
The benefits of essential minerals to human health cannot be
overemphasized. Magnesium is crucial for blood pressure
regulation and antioxidant production, zinc is critical for
normal immune function, and potassium is vital for blood
pressure and water balance and is found inside of every cell
in the body.
Fiberzyme: #3270 180 cap. will be back
Designed to combat yeast overgrowth and candida conditions in
the body. Fiberzyme is a high powered fiber-enzyme complex that
aids digestion and enhances absorption of nutrients. It fights
yeast infestation by digesting fungal and yeast cells. It works
best when combined with Polyzyme or Detoxzyme.
Lipozyme: #3269 180 cap.
Wholesale $99.50 Preferred Customer $115.21 Customer $130.92
A fat-digesting enzyme complex that promotes fat digestion and
enhances the absorption of fat-soluable vitamins such as vitamin
A, vitamin D, and vitamin E.
Polyzyme: #3256 90 cap
Wholesale $36.50 Preferred customer $42.16 Customer Price $48.03
The enzyme complexes in Polyzyme are used medically as powerful
anti-inflammatories that combat arthritis,irritable bowel
syndrome, fibromyalgia, ALS and food allergies.
By promoting complete digestion of proteins, Polyzyme increase
the production of key amino acids from food proteins. Amino
acids are absolutely vital for healthy immunity and health and
form the building blocks of hormone creation, tissue repair, and
muscle formation. By promoting complete digestion. Polyzyme
prevents putrefaction in the intestines that can lead to
allergies, liver stress, and toxic blood.
Protease 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 which are in Polyzyme are protein
digesting enzymes designed to work in a broad range of pH
conditions. Acid stable proteases are environment of the stomach
while alkaline proteases are more effective in the large
intestine. This combination of proteases is scientifically
formulated to maximize protein digestion and amino acid
KidScents MightyZyme Chewable #3259
Wholesale $24.50 Preferred customer $28.37 Customer price $32.24
A delicious high-powered vegetable enzyme complex for children.
Includes enzymes to digests proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Also includes folic acid and peppermint oil to enhance
The info on the enzymes was taken out of the new Essential Oils
'Desk Reference The Third Edition which you can order from
Essential Science Publishing.
Pricing for the book:
#3EDR6 -- 528 pages -- 4.1 lbs. -- pricing: -- 1-6 books
books $36.00-----14-27 books $33.00 and 28 and up $29.00
The pocket book #3EOP3 -- 268 pages -- pricing: --1-6 books
books $13.95 and 14 + $12.95
Call to order today 1-800-336-6308
4. Are You A Sugar Addict?
Think you might be a sugar addict? You can find out from my
friend Connie Bennett's website www.sugarshock.com. Take the test
called "Are You Sugar Shocked"? Connie is the author of the
forthcoming book "Sugar Shock" and her website is loaded with
information about the woes of sugar addiction. She has a new
coaching program coming up to help people kick the sugar habit.
Stop by her site and tell her I said "hi"!
5. Natural Remedies for Indigestion
What is really need for what is called "Acid Indigestion" is an
alkalinizing agent! Here are two of my favorites that I use and
find to be very effective (also for alkalinizing in general and
not only after a huge meal):
1. Umeboshi Plums
This plum is actually from the apricot family - its been used as
a healing food and medicine in China, Korea, and Japan. They are
dried and packed in barrels with sea salt. They contain loads of
minerals, protein, and even a little fat (which is great for a
fruit!) They are abundant in calcium, iron, and phosphorous. It
is called the 'king of alkalinizing foods'.
You can get these plums, or also plum paste, in most health food
stores. I suggest you keep in the frig - they keep a long time.
I take either a small amount of the plum and put it directly in
my mouth (makes you pucker!), or another great way is to put in a
cup of Kukicha Tea.
2. Alkalime
One of my all time favorites for those 'post dinner bloats' is
Alkalime (this comes from the Young Living product line).
AlkaLime is an alkaline mineral complex that safely reduces the
acidity of your digestive system.
Alkalime contains: 692 mg of Calcium,573 mg of Sodium and 142 mg
of Magnesium per serving.
How to use: Stir 1 teaspoon in 6 to 8 oz. of distilled or
purified water and drink immediately. Mix only with water. For
best results, drink one hour before or after eating.
Ingredients: Sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, magnesium
citrate, citric acid, potassium bicarbonate, sea salts, and a
proprietary blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils of lemon
(Citrus limon) and lime (Citrus aurantifolia).
And last but not least !!! - Peppermint Oil
Peppermint essential oil is a must have on your dessert cart at
Thanksgiving. It's the desert's desert !!! Some people like to
rub it on their belly after a meal to prevent indigestion.
Another way to take it is to put one drop in a glass of water and
sip it.
6. Gratitude
We must never forget the 'reasons for the seasons' and the true
meaning of Thanksgiving.
Giving thanks and being grateful is something to remember at this
time, and no better place to feel it, do it, be it - is with
loved ones at this festive occasion. Especially when the
challenging family issues come up, as it most often does at
family holiday gatherings - holding the energy of gratefulness
can help overcome much angst in the family relationship
Not only that - but just the 'frequency of thanks' alone can help
attract more good in life. Work with the law of attraction here.
The best way to do it - make a list of all the things that you
are grateful for, and keep that in your conscious awareness - as
opposed to the things that make you upset.
Here's one thing on my list:
I am grateful for all of YOU - the HomeSpaLady readers - and to
have the opportunity to share my years of knowledge, practice,
and personal experience with you. Thank you !!!
7. Idea for Black Friday Night ! A Great HomeSpa Treatment
Wow . . .after all day Tuesday shopping for turkey dinner. .
. .then all day Wednesday cooking and cleaning for turkey dinner,
.then all day Thursday preparing and eating turkey dinner,
. . .then all day Friday shopping for great deals presents -
. . .are you ever ready for a long hot lavender milk bath !!
here's how:
run a hot bath - place 7 - 10 drops of lavender into 1/2 cup of
milk - pour into the tub and swish around - then soak, breathe,
and smile :)
Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is
intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a
substitute for medical care nor to prescribe treatment for any
medical health condition. The publisher and subscriber assume no
responsibility to or liability for any person or group for any
loss, damage, or injury from the use or misuse of any information
in this newsletter.
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