Home Spa Lady

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Home Spa Lady / Healthy Way to Wash Veggies / Jan 18 '06 / Issue # 8

Home Spa Lady's
Tips of the Week
Issue # 8 - January 18, 2006
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog)
Home Spa Lady ™

Make Every Day A Spa Day!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who isinterested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty basedon principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personalempowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxificationof the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!
In This Issue
1. A Healthy Way to Wash Veggies, Fruit, and Eggs
2. The One Minute Shapely Derriere
3. Home-Made Foot Scrub from Your Favorite Beach
4. Best Zest for Skin Cancer Prevention
5. A De-Stress Gift For You - Open This Instant
6. HSL's Joke of the Week
1. A Healthy Way to Wash Veggies, Fruit, and Eggs
As I'm reading an Anti-Aging book written by a few MedicalDoctors (names withheld to protect the innocent), I find myselfappalled as I dive into the section on Methods for CleaningFoods. I thought these guys would have a little more eco-awareness.
The suggested substance was diluted Clorox - yuck! Don't theyrealize how harmful the effects are of ingesting chlorine? Itkills the healthy bacteria and other good flora in our intestinaltract, among other things.
"Well, that's the point" you say, "we want to get rid ofbacteria, fungus, metallics, and sprays in our foods, don't we?"
Absolutely! But there is a healthier way to do it. Enter, onceagain, essential oils.
Essential Oils have the ability to eliminate unwanted bacteria,fungus, sprays, and other pollutants that are harbored on freshfoods. Unlike Clorox, essential oils don't destroy the entirebounty of beautiful microbes that are naturally occurring, nor dothey affect the healthy mineral content. The same thing holdstrue when we ingest essential oils (given they are organic andtherapeutic grade). They don't destroy all of the flora likeClorox would (and like anti-biotics too). Essential oils respectthe normal environment and only get rid of the invasive critters.
Here's how to bathe your fresh foods with essential oils:
--The best oils to use are citrus oils - like lemon and orange.
--Create a bath water in a clean sink or a big pot and addseveral drops of your essential oil.
--Separate foods into groups - leafy vegetables, root vegetables,thin skin fruit ,thick skin fruit, and eggs.
--Place each group into the bath water (changing water as youchange groups).
--Immerse the foods and then take out of the water and immerseagain. You can keep the leafy greens in the water for up to 5minutes, and the thicker skinned veggies and fruits up to 10minutes.
--Scrub the thicker skinned root vegetables and fruits with afood scrubber.
--Eggs can be exposed to pesticide sprays in pens, so cleaningthe eggshell with the egg still intact can be helpful
--Meats and other flesh foods can be soaked for 20 minutes inthis mixture.
2. The Shapely Derriere
Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce Knowles are accused of creating thisfashion rage, and retailers are following suit by adjusting theirmannequins to demonstrate desirous derrieres.
Here are 3 ways to instantaneously create a fabulous fanny, and 2ways that require more time, effort, and a bit of cash:
--The Biniki Garment (no, its not misspelled bikini). This doesfor the back what bras do for the front. It has leg loops thatencircle the bottom and can add support and lift for someone whois small or flat.It also supports the larger derriere.
Retailsfor $29.95 and can be ordered at http://www.biniki-fashions.comor 1-888-554-5059.
--The Fanny Panty. It pads the posterior for $26.http://fredericks.com
--The right pair of jeans don't lead to pancake disaster.
RapperNelly's clothing line http://www.applebottoms.com
---Cosmetic Surgery: One technique offered by Dr. MichaelW. Gray of the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center and Skin Deep Spain West Bloomfield Township, Mich. called The Brazilian Buttlift($1400), and Liposuction ($1600) readjusts hips and thighs.
--Freedom from gadgets and cosmetic surgery gives you training ina gym.Ideal way to start: 30 minutes of cardio, then add squats,lunges, and squats holding dumbbells.
3. Home-Made Foot Scrub from Your Favorite Beach
If you live near the beach this will be an easy one for you. Ifnot, the next time you visit the beach make sure you take abucket of sand home with you for this scrub.
This is a home-made spa technique that is great for toughchallenging skin that develops on feet and heels. Sand is a greatexfoliant. In this recipe the fatty oil softens the skin, theessential oil invigorates it, and the sand exfoliates it.
2 Tbs. fatty oil (olive, coconut, canola, sesame - choose one)2 Tbs. sand from your favorite beach3 - 5 drops of rosemary essential oil
Combine these ingredients and mix it into a paste.Massage on the feet, concentrating on problem areas.Rinse off with warm water and pat dry.
4. Best Zest for Skin Cancer Prevention
Did you ever notice that lovely little spray that mists off thepeel of your lemon, orange, or grapefruit as you are opening itto eat, or zesting it for a recipe?
That spray from the peel is rich in a substance called d-limonene. It has been found to have properties that inhibitsquamous cell carcinoma and stop tumor growth. Squamous cellcarcinoma affects about 200,000 people in the United Statesevery year.
That spray from the peel is the essential oil of the fruit.
The essential oils from these citrus fruits can be used by you ona daily basis, easily, enjoyably, and deliciously.
Add a few drops in your water, tea, or recipes. Diffuse them inyour environment. Wear them on the bottom of your feet. Carrythem in your purse for an occasional inhale throughout your day.
Other ways to prevent skin cancer:
--Avoiding direct sun exposure between 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
--Wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15(somewhat controversial in holistic health circles)
--Get periodic skin cancer screenings from your healthcareprovider to help spot and treat early signs of skin disease.
--Look into the ART Skin Care System by Young Living EssentialOils, designed specifically for prevention of skin cancer andrejuvenation of facial skin. Studies have been done withFrankincense and Sandalwood, two of the main ingredients, findingextremely promising results on the destructive effects on cancercells.
Here's the research for you on Citrus and Squamous cell:http://tinyurl.com/ao9kc
5. A De-Stress Gift for You - Open This Instant
This is a favorite de-stressor among all age groups. Bet youdidn't think you could do this on the computer. Before you letyour anxiety unravel here, adjust your speakers.Click on this link and have a good time: http://tinyurl.com/wpd7
6. HSL's Joke of the Week
A woman named Jane was from Beverly Hills. One day, she had aheart attack and was taken to Cedars Sinai hospital.
While on the operating table, she had a near-death experience.She saw God and asked, "Is this it?"God said, "No, you have another 30 to 40 years to live."
Upon her recovery, she decided to stay in the hospital and havecollagen shots, cheek implants, a face lift, liposuction andbreast augmentation. She even had someone dye her hair. Shefigured since she had another 30 to 40 years, she might as wellmake the most of it.
She walked out of Cedars Sinai lobby after the last operation andwas killed by an ambulance speeding up to the hospital. Shearrived in front of God and said, "I thought you said I hadanother 30 to 40 years?"
God replied, "Jane! I didn't recognize you!"
Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:
February 7: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,apprentices, and Certified Practitioners
Details and registration athttp://www.homespalady.com/tele-seminars/mentoringinpjs.htm

February 24 - 26: Marlton, NJ
Workshop: Healing Touch Level 3Pre-requisites: Level 1 & 2Contact hours for nurses and massage therapists
Details and registration at:http://www.healingenergies.com/calendar.htm

March 13: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,apprentices, and Certified Practitioners
Details and registration athttp://www.homespalady.com/tele-seminars/mentoringinpjs.htm

March 18-19: Marlton, NJ
Workshop: Healing Touch Level 1Open to anyoneContact hours for nurses and massage therapists
Details and registration at:http://www.healingenergies.com/calendar.htm

April 3: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,apprentices, and Certified Practitioners
Details and registration athttp://www.homespalady.com/tele-seminars/mentoringinpjs.htm

June 9: St. Paul, MN
American Holistic Nurses Association / American Holistic MedicalAssociation Joint Conference
"How To Turn The Internet Into Income For Your Holistic Practice"http://www.ahna.org/events/2006.html

PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "Home SpaLady's Tips of the Week" in your own print or electronicnewsletter, but please include the following paragraph:
Reprinted from "Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week," a free ezineon how to Make Every Day A Spa Day.
Subscribe at http://www.HomeSpaLady.com.
You are receiving this because you signed up for it at the HomeSpa Lady website at http://www.homespalady.com/ or you told me youwant to subscribe.
PRIVACY STATEMENT: Home Spa Lady ™ will never distributeyour address to anyone. Period.
Marilee Tolen RN a.k.a. Home Spa Lady
Phone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)

Home Spa Lady / Cleanse Without Fasting / Jan 11 '06 / Issue # 7

Home Spa Lady's
Tips of the Week
Issue # 7 - January 11, 2006
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog)
Home Spa Lady ™


Make Every Day A Spa Day!


Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based
on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification
of the body and mind,and having a heck of a good time!

In This Issue

1. Cleanse Without Fasting

2. Frequencies of Essential Oils

3. Guilt-Free Spa Experience at Home

4. Yogurt-Walnut Facial Scrub

5. HSL's Joke of the Week

1. Cleanse Without Fasting

Fasting is not for everyone who wants to cleanse, for a variety
of reasons:

--They don't want to go through that 3 day funk
--Its too difficult to run a family and cook for others
--The initial low blood sugar crashes are too inconvenient
--The readjustment in eliminations are too uncomfortable
--They can't afford to loose stamina at work
--There is no support system in place

This is not to say that fasting isn't beneficial, I think it's
great and it has some awesome benefits for health and beauty.

But I would rather eat and cleanse, than not eat and cleanse.

I attended a two week intensive cleansing retreat last March in
Southern California where we alternated raw foods for 4 days with
3 days of juicing fasting. I lost so much weight that I really
didn't want to loose (10 pounds in the first 3 days) and when I
got home I ended up eating more food than I normally eat, and
gained all the weight back plus more. I think my body went into
a starvation mode and my metabolism stepped down a few notches.

So, from that experience I decided to delegate part of my daily
intake to substances and foods that will continuously cleanse my

Now, if I were to tell you there was something we could eat every
day that will help take toxins out of your body, would you be
interested in finding out what that was?

First, let me describe to you its features:

--It was used by the Egyptians for cleansing
--When we eat it it doesn't get digested
--It's not absorbed into the bloodstream
--It absorbs water and swells up
--It becomes like a gel that also absorbs toxins
--It slows down absorption of sugar so it keeps blood sugar down
--As it moves through your intestines, it 'scrubs' the walls of
your intestinal tract
--It makes you feel full so you can even lose weight
--It also reduces cholesterol

What is it? Soluble fiber.

What foods consist of soluble fiber? Oats and oat bran, nuts,
barley, flax, oranges, apples, and carrots to name a few.

But one of the best things you can take as pure soluble fiber for
the mere purpose of a good cleanse is psyllium. Psyllium is a
fibrous seed and often made in the form of a powder for

Do you know that psyllium was used in ancient Egypt and was
described in the Ebers Papyrus (medical documents of 1500 BC)?
It was used for its laxative and antidiarrheal properties.
What does that tell you? It tells you that it can have both
effects, so therefore it is "balancing".

Other early Old World uses of psyllium seeds were to treat sores
of the mouth and throat, stop nosebleeds, treat complications of
the liver, and help to fix loose teeth. Psyllium was administered
to assuage complications from scurvy and worms.

The plant itself is 'plantago' and other parts of the plant are
known to be medicinal as well. Native Americans and Aztecs used
plantago husks and leaves as cough remedies, for wounds, insect
bites, and headaches.

Where do we get psyllium? Many cleansing products on the market
contain psyllium. One of the most popular product found on
grocery store shelves is Metamucil - but that has other stuff in
it including lots of sugar.

Here are two sources for a more natural and healthy psyllium

--Trader Joes Store (if you are lucky enough to have one near
you) has a product of pure psyllium call Secrets of the Psyllium.
--Young Living has a product called ICP Multiple Fiber Beverage
along with oat bran, aloe, flax and fennel, and some other things
including essential oils that are good for the digestive system.

One very important thing to remember when you take psyllium:
Drink Water!

2. Frequencies of Essential Oils

Some people say essential oils are magical.

I may fall into that category. I've certainly said I have been
witness to many "mini-miracles" from their use.

The physical and biochemical properties of essential oils are
still being discovered, while the frequencies and vibrational
qualities have yet to be explored. Only a few researching
pioneers are headed in that direction, but those of us who are
healers, energy workers, energy sensitives, or highly intuitive,
know the energetic 'magic' of these oils - without needing the

Frequency is a measured rate of electrical energy flow between
two points. This energy could be called 'life force'.

One physician who has laid the groundwork for studying frequency
is Dr. Robert O. Becker. In his book "The Body Electric", he
establishes that the human body has an electrical frequency, and
that health is determined by that frequency. This is no
different than the recognition of 'chi', or 'life force energy'
that is identified in the use of acupuncture for example.

In the early 1990's a scientific researcher by the name of Bruce
Tainio built a "bio-frequency" monitor that measures the
frequency of the human body.

Tainio's research found that during the day the frequency of the
balanced human body is 62 to 72 Hz. He also found that when the
frequency drops, the immune system starts to decline. For
example, when the frequency drops to 58 Hz, cold and flu symptoms
show. Candida, fungus, and other immune threats occur at 55 Hz.
At 52 Hz auto-immune disorders kick in like Chronic Fatigue and
at 42 Hz, cancer can occur.

As we can see here, when frequency is low it sets the body up for
an unhealthy environment where more rapid aging, disease, and
illness can occur.

What lowers frequency? Things in our everyday life can pull down
the body's healthy electrical frequency. For example junk food,
especially processed and canned foods (can measure zero Hz),
environmental toxins, regular personal care products that contain
things like sodium laurel sulfate and propylene glycol, and even
medications which are petrochemically based. Stress as well can
lower frequency.

Fresh produce measures higher, it has a frequency of 15 Hz.
Fresh herbs range between 20 - 27 Hz. Fresh whole foods help
support and maintain the body's healthy frequency.

When higher frequencies come in contact with lower frequencies,
the higher frequency wins. In other words, the disease causing
organisms that are created in a low frequency environment are

Bruce Tainio measured the frequencies of essential oils. He
found the range of essential oils to be from 52 Hz to 320 Hz
depending on the oil!(Rose oil measuring 320 Hz). He concluded
that essential oils have the highest frequencies of any natural
substance known to man.

When we use essential oils on the human body we can raise the
vibrational frequency.

When we increase frequency, things can happen to the body that we
don't normally see happen with western medicine or artificial
approaches to beauty, such as healing, halting aging, and even
reversal of certain diseases.

So it could appear as if its magic, but its just the incredible
divine healing power of nature - the invisible force measured in
frequency, yet to be discovered.

3. Guilt-Free Spa Experience at Home

Do people feel guilty going to a spa? Some do.

Surprisingly guilt can happen to someone who can afford to be
pampered every day.

This past week an article came out about how Oscar winning
actress Gwyneth Paltrow has stopped pampering herself in beauty
salons since the birth of her little girl Apple. She says she
feels it is a waste of time. And apparently this feeling is
shared among her fellow Hollywood stars.

Gwyneth would rather be with her one-year-old daughter than pay
too much attention to herself. "Since I've had my baby I don't
really have treatments any more, all that time away from her
makes me feel too guilty," she was quoted by Contactmusic,as

"And the idea of going to a spa, putting on a robe, having tea -
it drives me nuts!I feel like I'm wasting my life," she added.

I think it's a mom's instinct to want to be with her baby as much
as possible. The hierarchical order of needs change when a woman
has children, but she needn't sacrifice!

What Gwyneth doesn't know is that she can have her pedicure and
pampering too - at home!

Here at Home Spa Lady she could learn ways how to create that
home spa atmosphere so she can have guilt free pampering - and
share it with her daughter. She could even do a Mommy and Baby
Spa at home. Infant massage is one of the most wonderful gifts we
can give these new precious little creatures. Bring in massage
therapists for Mom and daughter too.

Spa cuisine and spa treatments that can be done in the kitchen
and bath are a great alternative for the guilt-ridden spa-goer.

For ongoing tips on how to create at spa at home, visit the Home
Spa Lady blog:

4. Yogurt Walnut Facial Scrub

1/4 cup plain yogurt
1/4 cup finely ground walnuts

Mix the ingredients together. Wet face first then gently work the
scrub into the skin. Rinse with warm water.

5. Home Spa Lady's Joke of the Week

Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman: "And what do you
think is the best thing about being 104?" the reporter asked.
She simply replied, "No peer pressure."


Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:

February 7: In The Comfort of Your Home

Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,
apprentices, and Certified Practitioners

Details and registration at

February 24 - 26: Marlton, NJ

Workshop: Healing Touch Level 3
Pre-requisites: Level 1 & 2
Contact hours for nurses and massage therapists

Details and registration at:

March 13: In The Comfort of Your Home

Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,
apprentices, and Certified Practitioners

Details and registration at

March 18-19: Marlton, NJ

Workshop: Healing Touch Level 1
Open to anyone
Contact hours for nurses and massage therapists

Details and registration at:

April 3: In The Comfort of Your Home

Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,
apprentices, and Certified Practitioners

Details and registration at

June 9: St. Paul, MN

American Holistic Nurses Association / American Holistic Medical
Association Joint Conference

"How To Turn The Internet Into Income For Your Holistic Practice"

PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "Home Spa
Lady's Tips of the Week" in your own print or electronic
newsletter, but please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week," a free ezine
on how to Make Every Day A Spa Day. Subscribe at

You are receiving this because you signed up for it at the Home
Spa Lady website at http://www.HomeSpaLady.com or you told me you
want to subscribe.

PRIVACY STATEMENT: Home Spa Lady ™ will never distribute
your address to anyone. Period.


Marilee Tolen RN
a.k.a. Home Spa Lady
Phone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)

Home Spa Lady / Natural Facelifts / ..... Jan 4 '06 . Issue# 6

Home Spa Lady's
Tips of the Week
Issue # 6 - January 4, 2006
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog)
Home Spa Lady ™


Make Every Day A Spa Day!


Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based
on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification
of the body and mind,and having a heck of a good time!

In This Issue

1. Natural Facelifts

2. Hints for Sinus Sufferers

3. The Most Under-rated Essential Oil

4. Spa Food at Home

5. Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions

6. Home Spa Lady's First Teleseminar

1. Natural Facelifts

Increasing interest in Botox alternatives might be due to
fear of side effects from the injections, such as ptosis, or
drooping eyelids.

A neurotoxin, Botox works by paralyzing the muscles at the point
of injection, such as the areas around the eyes known as crows
feet, and the brow and forehead. It blocks the signal in the body
that tells the muscle to contract. It lasts for 3 to 8 months.

Said to be safe, many people are pleased with the results of
Botox njections. But for those who don't like the
idea of injecting a toxin into the body and are interested in
more natural ways, good affordable alternatives are available.

The self performed Acupressure Face Lift is one of the most
natural and least expensive alternatives. This was popularized
almost 20 years ago by actress Lindsay Wagner.

Eighteen acupressure points surround each eye, as well as
many other points located throughout the face. When we apply our
own finger pressure to these points with conscious intent, we can
affect the flow of electricity, life force and circulation to
that area. Well nourished tissues result.

Want a sampling? Try it now. Do it on one side so you can tell
the difference from the other side.

With your forefinger, identify the bony orbit around your eye.
Feel the bone under your eyebrow and follow it around your eye
walking your fingers lightly on the edge of the bone to the
inside near the nose. Now do it with added pressure making sure
you are using the pads of your fingers (beware of long nails near
the eye). Continue around in concentric half circles on the one
side of the face.

You may notice that some spots are more tender than others.
These may likely be acupoints that are energetically blocked.
The pressure of the pad of your finger can create enough
electricity that can open that blockage and bring in more chi
(energy). For best results you may want to get a face chart for
the specific locations of these points and practice it on a daily

An excellent way to enhance the acupressure face lift is by using
therapeutic essential oils on the tips of your fingers. The oils
naturally add oxygen and their own chi to vitalize the area.

Collagen and Restylane injections are dermal fillers that plump
up the skin and make it more taut and youthful looking. Here
again, they are injections. Wouldn't it be great to get a
collagen filler naturally without an invasive procedure?

A cream known as "topical botox" Argireline, is intended to relax
facial tension but it can increase facial sag. This can happen
because the neurotransmitters that it inhibits actually help
maintain firmness.

There are a zillion creams,lotions,and potions on the market
that claim to be natural and organic. Check the labels carefully
to see if ingredients contain anything like propylene glycol,
sodium laurel sulfate, or DEA (diethanolamine). If they do,
they are not truly natural ingredients. These things are know to
be carcinogenic. So whether they temporarily plump the area or
not, having a carcinogen is not worth it.

My favorite 'botox alternative' that I use alternating with
organic virgin coconut oil cream, is Young Living's ART (Age
Refining Technology) Skin Care System. This is because I believe
so much in the rejuvenating powers of Frankincense and
Sandalwood, and wolfberry seed oil. The ingredients are organic
and very pure. But the best part is that the enzymes use light
and energy from your own body to activate it.

The best natural facelift, however, is something that works in an
instant, is healthy but very contagious, and can truly take years
off of your face. YOUR SMILE :).

2. Hints for Sinus Sufferers

In my years of practice, I would have to say that sinus problems
were one of the most common health challenges among the people
that I saw. It wasn't always the primary reason for the visit--
but somehow this problem showed up tied to other symptoms and
issues - such as allergies, skin disorders, frequent headaches,
depression, stomach problems, and colon issues to name a few.

I also found that when my clients and I would discuss the
contributing factors and some of the natural remedies to lessen
or correct the problems, they resisted making changes and
following through on some of the corrective practices.

You may resist too. And this may be the first time
you will hear these principles related to sinus problems, but I
can tell you that the people I've seen who did use these
principles and practices saw great improvement.

So I'm going to list a few of these here with the intention of
writing a more extensive Special Report in the future.

Certain foods are the leading contributors to sinus problems.

Here are the worst:
--Cheeses, especially aged
--Bread made with yeast
--Cakes, pastries, cookies
--Acid forming beverages: coffee, tea, soda

During holidays people have flare-ups of sinus conditions often
due to the foods they eat at their holiday tables. Those foods are usually a
combination of all of those listed above.

Here is another extremely important point: If the body is not
eliminating properly, this can cause sinus problems.

In Chinese medicine, the lung and large intestine meridians are
shared. This means that what is going on in the gut is directly
related to the breathing conditions. When I was a practicing
colon hydrotherapist, one of the fastest reactions that people
would have during a colon cleanse was draining of their sinuses.
People would be astonished that their sinuses would open like a

Here's the deal:

Sinuses are made up of mucous membranes. It is a dark moist
environment. The intestinal tract is mucous membrane - dark and
moist as well. Many microbes live in these environments
naturally. When certain foods are eaten - like those listed
above, they can disturb the normal microbiological terrain by
introducing alot of yeast. Then, the mucous membranes grow an
overabundance of yeast. This yeast will then make you crave
those foods listed above--it can become a crazy cycle. And yeast
loves sugar.

Sugar is the worst thing you can take in your body when you have
a sinus problem. That includes all forms of sugar--even
fruit and fruit juices. And carbs are a no-no(ie pasta, breads)
because they turn to sugar. And definitely no alcohol.

The Bad News: You can't eat any of the food listed above.
Easier to say the only thing you should eat is protein and

The Good News: You only need to do this for a few days to notice
an improvement.

Here are two extremely effective practices to assist the sinus
clearing process:

--Use of therapeutic grade essential oils (inhaling and
ingestion). Not only do certain oils clear the breathing
passages, they also have anti-microbial and anti-yeast tendencies
so they help to kill off the overgrowth of the unwanted microbes,
while respecting the microbes that should live there. The oils
to use here are eucalyptus, peppermint, ravensara (in Young
Living the blends would be RC and Raven as top favorites).

--Colon cleansing

One last quick tip for sinuses:

Always carry a bottle of peppermint oil with you. When you are
really stuffed up (probably after you have eaten something not so
good for you) put a few drops in your palms, rub your hands
together, cup them and inhale from your palms. Be sure not to
touch your eyes with your fingers. If you're stomach is upset
from what you have eaten, rub a few drops on your belly.If you
have a headache because what you ate was loaded with
preservatives, rub a few drops on your temple and behind your

3. The Most Under-rated Essential Oil

Lemon Essential Oil is one of the most amazing oils.

Lemons are taken for granted by so many of us. When
fallen off the grocery store shelf they are more likely to get
kicked down the aisle as opposed to being picked up. Yet, the
cold pressed oil from these rinds can kill meningococcus bacteria
in 15 minutes, typhoid bacilli in one hour, staph aureus in two
hours, and pneumococcus bacteria in three hours.

That's not all. . . a 0.2% solution of lemon oil kills diphtheria
bacteria in 20 minutes, and it even has anti-depressant effects.

That's still not all. . .it increases white blood cell count,
improves memory, induces relaxation, improves microcirculation,
and is an antiseptic.

There's still more. . .it is very high in d-limonenes which has
been studied and found to combat tumor growth, so use in the case
of cancerous tumors can be indicated.

Not to mention. . .it has been widely used for skin care in
reducing wrinkles, cleansing the skin and helping to control

And there's even more. . .arteriosclerosis, obesity, parasites,
urinary tract infections, varicose veins, anxiety, hypertension,
and digestive problems.

Are you curious how this one particular oil can do so many
things? Believe it or not, many essential oils have a wide
variety of uses and applications. If you want to learn why and
how, join the Teleseminar this Thursday night. To learn more and

4. Spa Food at Home

Central to the 'spa-experience' is good healthy whole foods.Great
spa-cuisine recipes that can be whipped up at home. You can be
very creative with the presentation part. In this recipe you
decorate your plate with your squash puree.

Steamed Oriental Salmon with Pureed Squash

4 lbs. butternut squash, cut in half lengthwise and seeded
4 Tbsp. non-fat cream or extra virgin olive oil
1 Tbsp. freshly squeezed lime juice, or to taste
Freshly grated nutmeg, to taste
Salt and freshly ground white pepper
2 tsp. grated fresh ginger
1 Tbsp. rice vinegar
2 Tbsp. sesame oil
4 3-oz. skinless fillets of fresh salmon
8-12 fresh snow peas (optional)

To prepare pureéd squash: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place
squash halves cut-side down in a baking pan. Fill pan with water
about 1/2-inch deep. Bake squash 30 minutes. Turn squash over and
bake 30 minutes more, or until tender. Remove from oven and
transfer squash to plate and allow to cool until easily handled.

Scoop flesh from skin of squash. Transfer to a food processor or
blender to purée. While pureéing, add lime juice and just enough
olive oil to make a smooth pureé. Add nutmeg, salt and pepper to

In a covered container, store pureéd squash in refrigerator until
ready to use, up to three days. Heat in microwave before serving
with salmon.

To prepare salmon: Place ginger, vinegar and sesame oil in a
small bowl and whisk until well blended. Transfer to non-stick
baking pan large enough to hold salmon pieces. (Pan should have a
depth of at least 1/2 inch.)

Add salmon and turn to coat on all sides. Marinate up to 2 hours
in refrigerator. Before steaming, bring to room temperature and
season with salt and pepper to taste.

To steam salmon, select a large pot in which the pan of fish will
comfortably sit. Inside the pot place a heat-proof stand or rack*
on which the pan can sit high enough to prevent 3 to 5 inches of
simmering water from splashing onto food - about an inch above
water level. Add enough hot water to pot so it comes 3-5 inches
up side of pot.

Carefully place pan with fish on stand or rack. Bring water to
boil and reduce heat to simmer. Cover and steam fish until almost
tender. Add snow peas to top of fish. Cover and continue steaming
until fish is completely tender and snow peas are tender-crisp.

Meanwhile, reheat squash pureé and divide among 4 plates in the
shape of a wide letter "c." Carefully remove fish from steamer
and place a fillet in the inside curve of pureéd squash on each
plate. Glaze top of salmon with any juice left in baking pan.
Place snow peas (if using) between salmon and squash, as a
garnish. Serve immediately.

*A stand can be improvised by removing both ends of an empty food
can that contained juice or vegetables, for example.

Makes 4 servings.

Per serving: 328 calories, 16 g. fat (3 g. saturated fat), 29 g.
carbohydrate, 19 g. protein, 8 g. dietary fiber, 61 mg. sodium

5. Sticking to Your New Year's Resolutions

You do two things. Keep the big picture in mind (which is making
your life better) and accomplish the smaller goals. The
"dailies" are small steps to the big picture.

Realize this is leading to a life change more than getting
started in a new year. It is a process, not an event.

Our healthy practices can be habitual just like
our destructive practices. Let yourself think of this as a
process that leads to a habit - a good habit.

Here are a few tips to get the process rollin' - where it can
become a habit and eventually a way of life:

--Commit, and recommit if necessary.
--Plan and pace yourself
--Focus on the present
--Keep the big picture in your mind
--Take small steps and stick with it consistently

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an art,
but a habit" Aristotle

6. Home Spa Lady's First Tele-seminar

"How To Use Essential Oils to Pamper Your Body and Soul"
For more details:http://tinyurl.com/afl2j


Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady ™:

January 5: In The Comfort of Your Home

Teleseminar: How To Use Essential Oils to Pamper Your Body and
Soul" For more details and to register

January 10: In The Comfort of Your Home

Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,
apprentices, and Certified Practitioners

Details and registration at

February 7: In The Comfort of Your Home

Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,
apprentices, and Certified Practitioners

Details and registration at

February 24 - 26: Marlton, NJ

Workshop: Healing Touch Level 3
Pre-requisites: Level 1 & 2
Contact hours for nurses and massage therapists

Details and registration at:

March 13: In The Comfort of Your Home

Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,
apprentices, and Certified Practitioners

Details and registration at

March 18-19: Marlton, NJ

Workshop: Healing Touch Level 1
Open to anyone
Contact hours for nurses and massage therapists

Details and registration at:

April 3: In The Comfort of Your Home

Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,
apprentices, and Certified Practitioners

Details and registration at

June 9: St. Paul, MN

American Holistic Nurses Association / American Holistic Medical
Association Joint Conference

"How To Turn The Internet Into Income For Your Holistic Practice"

PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "Home Spa
Lady's Tips of the Week" in your own print or electronic
newsletter, but please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week," a free ezine
on how to Make Every Day A Spa Day. Subscribe at

You are receiving this because you signed up for it at the Home
Spa Lady website at http://www.HomeSpaLady.com or you told me you
want to subscribe.

PRIVACY STATEMENT: Home Spa Lady ™ will never distribute
your address to anyone. Period.


Marilee Tolen RN
a.k.a. Home Spa Lady
Phone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)

Home Spa Lady / Make 2006 The Year For Pampering / Dec 29 '05 / Issue # 5

HomeSpaLady's Tips of the Week
Issue # 5 - December 29, 2005
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
mail to: marilee777@aol.com
HomeSpaLady ™


Home Spa Lady's 'Tips of the Week'


Make Every Day a Spa Day!


Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based
on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification
of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!



In This Issue

1. Make 2006 The Year for Pampering Yourself

2. Setting Your Intention for the New Year

3. Reinventing Yourself - A Great Anti-Aging Therapy

4. Natural Hangover Cures

5. Spa Trends to Watch in 2006

6. Spa Cuisine: Delicious Dip for New Years Eve

7. A Personal Reflection, a Note, and Warm Wishes to You


1. Make 2006 The Year for Pampering Yourself

Pampering yourself is about self-care. It's about giving to yourself so that you can be the best you can be, feel the best you can feel, and look the best you can look.

But how many people do you know who make pampering a priority?

Not many if any - because lack of self-care is at epidemic proportions. That's why the "spa" theme is so popular, because the need is so great.

And everybody is just too busy.

What busy-ness is saying is "I have to fulfill all of these obligations and demands outside of myself". For the most part, people put themselves last on the list, if they make it there at all.

So what happens from a lack of self care?

The body ages faster, gains more weight, becomes more susceptible to disease, and unhappiness becomes a normal state.

So you might say, - "well Who has time for pampering?". . .

. . .and I say "ah ! but there are ways to pamper ourselves daily - that are easy, affordable, and portable too."

The reason I can say this is because seven years ago when I learned about this - my life changed drastically.

Seven years ago I was introduced to therapeutic essential oils.

This was very different from the 'aromatherapy' I studied in my board certification process to become a Holistic Nurse. The experiences with these oils were 'energetic' - based on 'subtle energy' - of which I studied for four years with physicist Barbara Brennan.

I observed that these plant oils had enough vital force (or chi) and natural properties to:

--Realign a spine with a simple application on the bottom of the feet --Encourage hair growth
--Reduce wrinkles on the face
--Diminish broken blood vessels
--Calm an extremely nervous person by rubbing them on her wrists - balancing the digestive track of someone who couldn't keep food down
--Release pent up grief after loss of a loved one
--Instill confidence and courage
--Elevate the mood of a depressed person
--Stop someone from snoring
--Help insomnia

It almost sounds too good to believe, doesn't it? I would think that too if I hadn't experienced and witnessed 7 years of what I call'mini-miracles'.

Here are essential oil recipes for some of the above conditions:

Hair growth
10 drops cedarwood
8 drops rosemary
10 drops sandalwood
10 drops lavender
Add equal amounts of base massage oil and massage 1 tsp of mixture into the scalp vigorously for 2 - 3 minutes; leave on scalp for 60-90 minutes ( a great time to do this would be during an exercise routine).
Shampoo out.

Help insomnia - Vetiver - apply a few drops to the bottom of the feet

Stop Snoring - thyme oil - rub on bottom of feet


Want to learn more?


A very special tele-seminar is taking place Thursday January 5th.

"How To Use Essential Oils to Pamper Your Body and Soul"

To find out more - go to:

Seating on this call is limited, so act soon.

2. Setting Your Intention for the New Year


Intention is an invisible power that everyone can access to help shape their reality. People who practive the power of intention share a common awareness that 'the forces greater than us all' respond to the slightest intentions placed by thought, voice, or written word.

There is no better time than the turn of a new year to utilize the power of intention to help create what you want.

It can be about:

- how you look (weight, hair, skin, clothing)
- how you think (changing habitual thoughts from negative to positive)
- how your body feels (energy levels, strength, flexibility)
- how your emotions run (depression vs.happiness)
- how your live your spiritual life (faith vs. fear)

Whatever you want to create in your life, use the power of intention to help you.

To read more about The Power of Intention, visit Dr. Wayne Dyer's website at http://www.drwaynedyer.com

If you want to amplify the Power of Intention in your life - sign up for Home Spa Lady's Teleseminar 'How To Use Essential Oils to Pamper your Body and Soul'.

There will be a section on using essential oils with affirmations to help create your own reality.

Read more about what you can learn at:


3. Reinventing Yourself - A Great Anti-Aging Therapy


Have you ever gotten together with old friends and noticed that some of them are still living back in the 60's, 70's, or whatever your era was?

Of the people I know, it's not the long sideburns and their original Mustang cars that show their age as much as it is their thinking. And I believe their thinking shows in their face and body. They usually look older than the rest of us.

Reinventing ourselves can keep us younger longer.

Think of the people you know who seem much younger than their age. Do you notice if they've had many different chapters of their lives?

Reinventing yourself is not just about slowing aging, it's also good to consider if you are just plain unhappy about how your life is turning out.

The new year is a good time to beging the reinvention process, and it is a process, its not something that can happen overnight.

Here are some steps to Reinventing Yourself:

--Create your vision and make a personal vision statement.

--Clarify what needs to change first.

--Create a dream board with pictures cut out of magazines and
catalogs of what you want to have in your new state of being

--Develop an action plan with goals and timelines

--Do one act everyday to work toward your vision - its best if it
is completely out of your current routine

--Make all of your decisions with your new vision in mind

--Reinforce your new image in your mind with everything you do

--Break out of your comfort zone and don't be afraid to startle
people - grow a moustache, cut your hair, dress differently

--Find a support team or a master mind group

--Read this quote from Mark Twain every day:

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that but the really great make you feel that you too can become great."


4. Natural Anti- Hangover Tips


The best tip of all is not to drink alcohol.

A great champagne substitute is Martinelli's Sparkling Cider sold in most grocery stores. It comes in a champagne looking bottle with a foil covered plastic cork.

If you do decide to imbibe - here are ways to treat the Festive Illness

Homeopathic remedies can help. They are based on the Law of Similars. Look for the remedy called "Nux Vomica" in your health food store and follow the directions. Just take a few small pellets under the tongue a few times a day.

Vitamin B Complex before retiring

Activated Charcoal Tablets - charcoal is an adsorbant (and absorbant)

Young Living Essential Oil Blend "Harmony". Rub this oil on your sternum and back of neck.


5. Spa Trends to Watch in 2006


The Global Spa Resource SpaFinder revealed 2006 trends this month. Some trends listed were:

--Spa consumers who are raising their spa-IQ - they are savvier in what to look for in 2006

--Home Spa-ers turning empty bedrooms into fitness, meditation and massage rooms

--Water therapies are becoming more popular - watsu, spa water parks

--Spas focus on wellness and renewal

--More opulent spas along with more discount spas

--Men only spas

--Spa emphasis on fitness, health, diet

--Spa website include blogging from guests

--Group activities for singles at the spas


6. Spa Cuisine: Delicious Dip for New Years Eve


Warm Tomato Pesto with Goat Cheese

2 (10-ounce) logs goat cheese
2 small (8 ounce) jars of sun-dried tomato pesto
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

In a small terra cotta baking dish lay 2 logs of goat cheese side by side. Smash slightly with a fork to spreadout a bit. Pour sun-dried tomato pesto on top of goat cheese. Top with crushed walnuts. Drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes, or until bubbly. Serve with crostini.

For extra flavor, sprinkle 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary and 1 teaspoon chopped fresh basil on top of the goat cheese before adding the pesto.

Recipe from Gannett News Service


7. A Personal Reflection, a Note, and Warm Wishes to You


As I reflected on this past year of moving out of my professional offices and taking sabbatical from my practice and teaching to give birth to Home Spa Lady, I was able to list and put into perspective what I've done and am doing.

I've contracted to expand.

I've let go of local community leadership to become a more active particpant in the global community.

I've created new relationships and re-formed old ones.

I've started a new medium of communication with my world and the world at large, and my 'target market'- who really just feel like friends.

I've repackaged, redesigned, and REINVENTED myself to keep pace with my heart, intuition, and purpose.

I sit at a screen and share my knowledge, passion, experience, and expertise - and send it out to the world in the form of my website, blog, egroup, and this ezine - and I trust that the information will find those that need and want it. An exercise in blind faith.

I've been trained, and continue to be trained, by industry experts who don't hold my hand, but just shine the light on the path as I breathlessly try to keep up with them.

And I open my heart, hearth, and home to you with the hopes that you will take me up on the invitation, and continue to be part of the Home Spa Lady community.

Wow - what a great exercise this process of reflection was! I highly recommend that you do this too - and if you need a reader, please send it to me - I would love to read your reflections of 2005.

Well, you probably noticed that the name of the newsletter is different than its given name since the contest. It is now Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week.

Like I said, I'm working with industry experts and they know the internet terrain better than I, so I've followed their suggestions and changed the name to suit the purposes of attracting more readers.

So, stay onboard with me here - its going to be an exciting 2006. I've got lots of wonderful things planned for you - many fun ways to learn.

Don't forget to sign up for next weeks tele-seminar 'How to Use Essential Oils to Pamper Your Body and Soul' on Thursday January 5th at 8 PM EST. For details and registration go to:


My wish for you is that 2006 is your best year ever!

Try reinventing yourself, make plans for pampering, plan a spa vacation, go beyond your current comfort zone so you can access a greater comfort zone, and learn to have faith in the unknown.

The rewards will be so great...

...and don't forget to have fun,

so 'Get Your Kicks in 2006' !

Take a deep breath and say SPA-AHHHHH

All the best,



Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is
intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a
substitute for medical care nor to prescribe treatment for any
medical health condition. The publisher and subscriber assume no
responsibility to or liability for any person or group for any
loss, damage, or injury from the use or misuse of any information
in this newsletter.

Home Spa Lady / Three Great Gifts / Dec 22 '05 / Issue #4

HomeSpaLady's Natural Wellness Newsletter
Issue # 4 - December 22, 2005
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
mail to: marilee777@aol.com
HomeSpaLady ™

HomeSpaLady's 'Natural Wellness News'


Natural Wellness in your home . . . and in your everyday life!


Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based
on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification
of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!



In This Issue

1. The Three Great Gifts of Christmas: Frankincense Myrrh Gold

2. The Art of Receiving

3. Home Spa Lady's Home Cellulite Approach

4. The One Second Signal To Not Be Hungry

5. Presence as Presents

6. Spa Cuisine: Zucchini Cranberry Walnut Cake

7. Save this date - The first Home Spa Lady's 2006 Teleseminars

'Learn How To Pamper Your Body and Soul with Essential Oils'


1. The Three Great Gifts of Christmas: Frankincense Myrrh Gold

These can be the three greatest gifts that we can give ourselves
- for great health and happiness, slowing the aging process, and
for enhanced beauty.

Frankincense helps to calm the emotions.

When our emotions are centered and calm, then the body responds
by not having stress responses that can be so damaging to our
cells. Our mind responds by not being so critical and
judgemental, and our soul responds by aligning us with a faith
filled outlook on life. To use Frankincense to help calm the
emotions, place one to two drops in your palms, rub together, cup
your hands over nose and mouth and take several inhalations.

This oil was one of the most valued oils in ancient scriptures.
Today we are starting to learn more about its anti-tumoral
effects and how it can be used in the treatment of certain

It is fabulous for skin and can be blended into facial creams to
reverse aging skin. Interestingly, frankincense was used for
embalming - to preserve dead tissue. If preserves dead tissue,
might it help preserve our living tissue too?

Myrrh is excellent for skin too. Especially dry, cracked, or
wrinkled skin. It is also highly indicated for mucous membranes
such as for mouth care, perineal care in childbirth, and the
healing qualities also address respiratory problems such as
colds, flu, and bronchitis. Like Frankincense, it too may bear
anti-cancer agents. A 2001 study from Rutgers University shows
that a myrhh compound appears to kill cancer cells. (

Gold - Liquid Gold - is suspected to be the oil of Fir.

Powerful for the mind and spirit, Balsam Fir can help transform
negative emotions into positive growth. And for the body, it can
be used to fight airborne bacteria - and muscular and rheumatic

All of these gifts have so many healing properties for you. Give
these gifts to yourself ~ you deserve it.


2. The Art of Receiving


For most people it is much easier to give than receive. This
applies especially women. Receiving is an art.

You can learn to cultivate your artistic ability in receiving by
applying some of 'conscious awarenesses' to the season of gift

Here are some ways that you can help yourself to receive:

1. Decide to be part of the circle of giving and receiving
2. See that receiving is an active process
3. Recognize that it is a joy for people to give
4. Recognize your resistance and let it go
5. Be a receptive vessel - a channel to receive
6. Honor the giver
7. Give thanks to anything and everything

Lessons in the Kabbalah (studies of Jewish mysticism), teach
about receiving.

One such lesson is - When you are offered a gift, do not take it;
instead, make of yourself a space that can receive it.


3. Home Spa Lady's Home Cellulite Approach


Here are some easy to recognize, and to do Tips to Beat Cellulite

1. Recognize that some of the things that lead to cellulite is
junk food, diet soda, processed foods, and particularly saturated
fats. Avoiding these foods can be a start.

2. Active sweating. Working out with a sweat is a good way to
go - at the gym or any activity that where you can move your body
to the point of sweating. One of the most effective ways to beat
cellulite this way is the practice of Bikram Yoga, also known as
Hot Yoga. An hour and half of postures in 106 degree room can
melt cellulite faster than most things.

3. Brush your skin every morning with a dry body brush. Begin
with brushing your legs moving up towards the heart. Brush the
abdomen in a circular motion.

4. Finish your daily shower with a cold rinse to construct blood
flow and tone your skin.

5. Bathe in a comfortable room temperature seaweed baths.

6. Drink lots of purified water, and dowse it with some of the
therapeutic citrus oils (they are safe to take internally).

7. Topical applications of oils such as spearmint and lemongrass
massaged into the areas may help reduce cellulite deposits.


4. The One Second Signal to Not Be Hungry


Peppermint oil is known to suppress the appetite.

Carry a bottle with you.
Place a few drops in your water and sip on it throughout the day.
Or open the bottle and inhale it.


5. Presence as Presents


One of the greatest gifts we can give to another human being is
to be fully present with them.


6. Spa Cuisine: Zucchini Cranberry Walnut Cake


Featured in FRESH: Healthy Cooking and Living from Lake Austin
Spa Resort, by Chef Terry Conlan

This slightly sweet loaf is perfect with a cup of tea, or as part
of a light lunch with a salad and iced tea. It fills the bill
for both something bread-like and dessert-like and it isn't
difficult to have these ingredients on hand if you use "craisens"
or dried cranberries. The lemon glaze is, of course, optional.

1 cup whole wheat flour
2 cups unbleached white flour
1 ¼ cups sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
½ cup egg substitute
2 (2 1/2-ounce) jars prunes baby food
2 tablespoons canola oil
2/3 cup buttermilk
3 tablespoons thawed frozen orange juice concentrate
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
3 cups shredded zucchini, blotted dry
1 ½ cups fresh cranberries
½ cup chopped walnut pieces
1 tablespoon grated orange zest
1 tablespoon grated lemon zest

Mix the whole wheat flour, unbleached white flour, sugar, baking
powder, baking soda, cinnamon and salt in a large bowl. Whisk the
eggs, egg substitute, prunes, canola oil, buttermilk, orange
juice concentrate and vanilla in a separate bowl. Add the dry
ingredients and whisk until smooth. Fold in the zucchini,
cranberries, walnuts, orange zest and lemon zest. Spray two 5 x
9-inch loaf pans with non-stick cooking spray. Divide the batter
between the pans. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 20 minutes.
Cool in the pans for 10 minutes. Remove to a wire rack to cool
completely. Glaze with lemon icing.

Yield: 16 servings
Nutrients Per Serving:
Cal 134
Prot 3 g
Carbo 25 g
Fat 3 g
18% Cal from Fat
Sod 145 mg


Lemon Icing

1 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

Combine the confectioners' sugar, lemon zest and juice in a bowl;
whisk until smooth and sugar is completely dissolved. Spoon over
the top of the cake.


7. 'Learn How To Pamper Your Body and Soul with Essential Oils'


Get ready to start learning wonderful ways to 'spa' in your every
day life at home with Home Spa Lady's Recorded Live Teleseminars.

Begin by saving the date of January 5th 2006 9 PM EST on your

First topic - Learn How To Pamper Your Body and Soul with
Essential Oils. Entrance fee: $20 Includes CD.

Stay tuned for details on how to easily register.

And you will always get the best seat in 'your' house at these

Look forward to learning in the comfort of your own home


And on a personal note - to all the Home Spa Lady readers -

I wish you much joy and love in this holiday season.

Don't forget to take care of yourself and remember to take a deep
breath and say "SPA-AHHHHHHHHHHHHH".

Yours with Spa-Filled Seasons Greetings,

Home Spa Lady


Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is
intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a
substitute for medical care nor to prescribe treatment for any
medical health condition. The publisher and subscriber assume no
responsibility to or liability for any person or group for any
loss, damage, or injury from the use or misuse of any information
in this newsletter.

Home Spa Lady / Natural Home-Made Holiday Ideas / Dec 12 '05 / Issue #3

HomeSpaLady's Natural Wellness Newsletter
Issue # 3 - December 12, 2005
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
mail to: marilee777@aol.com
HomeSpaLady ™

HomeSpaLady's 'Natural Wellness News'


Natural Wellness in your home . . . and in your everyday life!


Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based
on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification
of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!



In This Issue

1. Natural Home-Made Holiday Ideas for Decorating and Gifts

2. Spas in Hospitals - The Next Trend?

3. Aromatherapy Soothes Cancer Patients

4. 'The Continuum' - Movement that Heals and Helps Aging

5. Give Yourself a 'Bath Kiss'

6. A Channeled Message by Barbara Brennan

7. 'Your' Topics of Interest


1.Home Made Natural Holiday Ideas for Decorating and Gifts

* Scented Pine Cones
Pine Cones hold scent - even therapeutic grade
essential oils that have no additives and
fixatives. Christmas Spirit Essential Oil Blend
(YL) is a great blend to use for the holiday.
Drop several drops of oil into a spray bottle
with water. Spray your pine cones.

* Natural Moth Chaser
Combine 2 cups of cedar chips and 2 cups of
lavender buds.
Add 3 drops Lemon Oil, 5 drops cedarwood, and 5
drops of lavender
Mix in glass bowl
Place mixture in basket and set in closet or make
sachets and hang in closet

* Natural Dry-Itchy Skin Eliminator
A great gift for your 'itchy friends'.
Mix this blend in a pretty blue bottle and tie it
with a red ribbon with a tag 'For your bath'
Mix together:
6 drops hyssop oil
9 drops lavender
6 drops of geranium oil
1/4 cup sweet-almond oil
Instructions: Add to warm bath water and soak
for twenty minutes (this makes about 3 baths)


2. Spas in Hospitals - The Next Trend?

Some of you read my blog posting on December 10th
(www.HomeSpaLady.com/Blog) about the "Chuckle Channel" - a 24
hour television station that plays at Honolulu's Queens Medical
Center to bring in Humor Therapy for the patients. These CAM
(Complementary and Alternative Medicine) Therapies are becoming
more popular at progressive institutions. Now there are 'spas'
in hospitals.

The Oasis Spa Banner Desert Medical Center in Mesa Arizona is a
hospital based spa that makes services available for staff,
volunteers, and patients. This hybrid facility offers massage,
waxing,pedicures and other holistic therapies.


3. Aromatherapy Soothes Cancer Patients


Many of you HomeSpaLady readers are bodyworkers, hospice nurses,
energy healers, and the like who are familiar with using
therapeutic grade essential oils with people with diseases such
as cancer.

Some of you are even spawning programs in facilities and
organizations using this modality.

It's always good to know that some of the 'giants' are behind you
also doing what you're doing - it can make leaps easier.

The MD Anderson Cancer Center at The University of Texas is using
aromatherapy in their 'Place of. . .wellness'
http://www.mdanderson.org/departments/wellness/ along with over
70 CAM Therapies. They report that aromatherapy offers the
greatest help with anxiety and sleeplessness.

The National Cancer Institute also has a report on Aromatherapy
and Cancer


4. The Continuum - Movement that Heals and Helps Aging


It's not easy to explain and understand what The Continuum is,
but when you hear that it is helping people with spinal cord
injuries get out of their wheelchairs and walk - it gets your
attention enough to investigate.

The Continuum is a form of movement that was created by Emilie
Conrad who was a movement specialist in research studies led by
Dr. Valerie Hunt at UCLA in the late 1970's.

Emilie is from NYC and has a background in ballet. After Afro-
Haitian dance in Haiti, Emilie started to make discoveries about
primary movements and how the fluid systems in our bodies
communicate it's 'bio-intelligence' with it's environment. Her
continuing study is bringing insights into healing disease,
paralysis, and the aging process.

Having been a former dancer myself,I loved taking a workshop with
her. The movements are spiral, arc, curve, and undulate. Some
primal sound is also used. To me this was simply and profoundly
just like natural 'unwinding' in the body. In my opinion, there
is nothing greater than stimulating the natural healing
mechanisms in our bodies - and this certainly does that.

The best part - you can do this movement at home, but you need to
invest in an 'Explore Board' and 'Flight Plan'.

Emilie has a private practice in Los Angeles focusing on the
treatment of connective tissue disease and spinal cord injuries.

For more info: http://www.continuummovement.com/overview_fs.htm


5. Give Yourself a Bath Kiss


Bath Kisses are a good thing to give to yourself. Yes, it would
be a good gift idea for someone else, but it has to be kept in
the freezer!

My friend who recommended this to me said that although there are
many oils you can use, a really good combination is
Frankincense with Orange.

Melt 1 ounce of cocoa butter and 2/3 ounce shea butter.
Separately blend 4 drops of Frankincense with 4 drops Orange and
mix with the butter mixture
Pour into small candy molds ( or tiny ice cube trays).
Place in the freezer for 30 minutes. Just drop 2 - 3 pieces
in your hot bath!


6. A Channeled Message by Barbara Brennan


As a graduate of the four year Barbara Brennan School of Healing
Science, I receive a beautiful holiday card every year with a
wonderful message channeled by Barbara.

I want to share with you this years channeled message:

"Love is the most powerful healing tool in the universe, for it
is only by its absence that illness, strife, or any kind of
problem or issue arises."


7. 'Your' Topics of Interest

What topics do you want to read about along the lines of Natural
Health and Healing and how you can empower yourself?

Send me an email and let me know how you would like to 'spa' in
your every day life !!!


Happy Holidays !

I wish you lots of love and joy in this holiday season.

Don't forget to take care of yourself and remember to take a deep
breath and say "SPA-AHHHHHHHHHHHHH".

Yours with Spa-Filled Seasons Greetings,



Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is
intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a
substitute for medical care nor to prescribe treatment for any
medical health condition. The publisher and subscriber assume no
responsibility to or liability for any person or group for any
loss, damage, or injury from the use or misuse of any information
in this newsletter.

Home Spa Lady / Preparing Your Tummy For Turkey Nov 23, 2005 Issue #2

HomeSpaLady's Natural Wellness Newsletter
Issue #2 - November 23, 2005 Special Thanksgiving Issue
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
mail to: marilee777@aol.com
HomeSpaLady ™

HomeSpaLady's 'Natural Wellness News'



This is a special Thanksgiving issue


Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, healing, and beauty based on
principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing the body and
mind,and having a heck of a good time!


In This Issue

1. Preparing Your Tummy for Turkey

2. Tips for Feeling Healthy,Not Gorged After Thanksgiving Dinner

3. How to Take Digestive Enzymes

4. Are You A Sugar Addict?

5. Natural Remedies for Indigestion

6. Gratitude

7. Idea for Black Friday Night ! A Great HomeSpa Treatment


1.Preparing Your Tummy for Turkey

Excerpt from Blog (www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog) November 20

As you prepare your menus, your invites, your shopping lists, and
your homes for this Thursdays Thanksgiving Feast - you should add
one more extremely important item to your list - the preparation
of your own tummy.

Now you might be thinking “what the heck does she mean by that?”

Well, let me ask you this. . .

. . . how did you feel the last time you ate a holiday dinner
that included hors d’oeuvres, wine, bread stuffing, meat,
potatoes, cruciferous vegetables, and pie topped with whipped
cream or ice cream?

It’s not unusual for people to complain about eating too much,
but the complaint is often accompanied by whines about bloating
and grunts about pain. This discomfort can be some serious stuff!
I know I’ve been there! - and I want to do the best I can to
avoid it - short of depriving myself all of the food. Even if its
organic and whole - the combining of those foods can play havoc
on our gastrointestinal system.

So what can we do to prepare our own tummy for these treats?

Two things - and you can start right away.

I. - acidophilus
II. - digestive enzymes
(Excerpt from Blog November 20)

Additional info:

I. Take your acidophilus or probiotcs on a daily basis to
help to populate the gut with some good bacteria - the kind that
will help balance the eco-terrain of your internal environment.

It's important to take these on an empty stomach even - if you
read some labels that say to take with food.

Actually, I have found the less expensive acidophilus (the kind
they sell in pharmacies or places like CVS) say to take with
food. My hit on that is they don't have many or any live
cultures in them - if they did they wouldn't tell you to take
with food! Taking a good quality acidophilus on an empty stomach
helps ensure that the bacteria will take and not be diluted with

Besides taking capsules of acidophilus/probiotics - there are
other ways to get these good live cultures into your belly-

Yogurt (preferably plain unsweetened)
and cultured foods such as cultured vegetables -
www.culturedvegetables.com (I'll be writing more about that in an
upcoming issue)

II. Digestive Enzymes - see article #3 below for full explanation


2. Tips for Feeling Healthy,Not Gorged After Thanksgiving Dinner


a). Don't go hungry - have a wholesome breakfast and lunch
b). Don't treat it like an all-you-can-eat buffet
c). Take the skin off the turkey
d). Serve yourself small portions of everything
e). Don't limit yourself, just limit the amount
f). Drink plenty of water - alcohol and coffee will dehydrate


3. How to Take Digestive Enzymes


(hint - this is a really long article so don't miss the good
topics yet to come in this newsletter below - )
** ** **
This is an excerpt from the book Essential Desk Reference from
Essential Science Publishing - www.essentialscience.net - it
really explains the choice we have in the array of digestive
enzymes from Young Living. This also gives you the item number
and the prices.
** ** **
(note from Marilee - as a certified colon therapist I always
believed in the use of digestive enzymes - they are so incredibly
important for all of us. Before I met Young Living I carried
another line of enzymes and I can say that there are some other
good ones out there - but I am so impressed with not only the
quality of YL's enzymes, but how they are available to us to use
with different styles and ways of eating. For example - when
you're having a high carb meal - ie - pasta - then you want to
look at taking Carbozyme - when you are having a more protein
oriented meal - like a steak - look at the Polyzyme for protein,
and also the Lipozyme to help break down the fat in the steak,
etc etc. yes, it can be a bit confusing too - so if you are
first starting out and want to get just a good general enzyme,
the one to go for is Essentialzyme. Happy Digesting !)
** ** **
Oh!!- one other thing - for you parents out there PLEASE NOTICE -

the kids chewable digestive enzymes mentioned -
KidsScents MightyZyme Chewables - this is part of what I wrote
about in the last issue in the article The ADD/ADHD Diet !
** ** **

Here's the excerpt:

What is one of the real secret to better health?

Most people don't know that the human body is designed to only
break down or digest approximately 50% of the food we eat. Live
enzymes are supplied in raw food, but as soon as we cook or
process our food, we kill all the enzymes. This is the most
overlooked situation in health today. Until this problem is
corrected the body will continue to struggle and suffer.
This is a very serious problem the are body faces on a daily
basis yet, very few people are paying attention to how they
weaken their body's protectors and repairers every single day.

Your good health can be determined by one of the two choices:

1. Don't take digestive enzymes with your food and you will use
your body's energy and enzyme reserves to help digest the cooked
and processed food. You will also distract the bodys function in
protecting and repairing the human body.

2. Take digestive enzymes with your food and on an empty stomach
and you will use the energy within the enzymes to digest the
food and clean up the blood. This will conserve the body's energy
and enzyme reserves. Digesting your food properly and cleaning
up the blood makes it possible for the human body to give all of
its attention to protecting and repairing. It will no
longer have to get involved in cleaning up the blood of
undigested particles. If you want a fully functional, effective
and strong immune system improving digestion and cleaning up the
blood is the way to give the human body back its full power to
protect and repair. It won't happen
without improving digestion and clean blood.

Great health is the most valuable possession a person can own.
It is impossible for the human body to function properly if we
are not digesting our food properly! Digestive enzymes are
necessary if you want a very strong immune system.

So take a look at our enzymes and what they can do for you:

Essentialzyme (used to be called Megazyme):#3272 100 tabs.
Wholesale $26.75 Preferred customer$30.97 Customer Price $35.20

A high-quality enzyme complex that may improve and aid digestion
and the elimination of toxic waste from the body..
Essentialzyme was formulated to help supply enzymes to those who
have difficulty digesting or assimilating food.
Essentialzyme helps reestablish proper enzyme balance in the
digestive system and throughout the body and helps improve
intestinal flora. It may also help retard the aging process.

Enzyme supplementation is particularly important for people
suffering chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, or in any
condition where the pancreas duct is blocked, thereby preventing
enzymes from reaching the intestine.

Carbozyme: #3268 - 90 Cap.
Wholesale $40.00 Preferred Customer $46.32 Customer $52.63

Carbozyme is designed to relieve bloating, cramping, intestinal
distress, and combat Candida and yeast overgrowth. Carbozyme is
an advanced starch and sugar digesting vegetarian enzyme complex
that contains pure amylase and therapeutic-grade essential oils.
Works best when combined with fiberzyme. Clinical studies in 2002
using two capsules twice a day of Carbozyme eliminated the need
for insulin in diabetic patients.

Detoxzyme: #3203 - 180 cap.
Wholesale $30.75 Preferred Customer$46.03 Customer price $52.30

A vegetable enzyme complex designed to promote detoxification of
the body. Combines essential oils with enzymes designed to
digest starches, sugars, proteins, and fats. This formula is
structured with trace minerals that help the body detoxify
itself, reducing, cholesterol and triglycerides., It
helps in opening the gallbladder duct and cleansing the liver,
preventing candida and yeast overgrowth, and promoting general

The formula facilitates optimal absorption of nutrients from
foods and supplements, delays the aging process, and maintains
optimal energy levels. It also helps to regulate the pH level
and reduce acidification and parasite colonization and

Detoxyzme also contains phytase, and enzyme essential for people
eating vegetarian diets. Phytase, an enzyme essential for people
eating vegetarian diets. Phytase is crucial for unlocking the
mineral content of many grains, nuts, seeds, and other foods
which contain high levels of essential minerals
that are unavailable to the human body because they are bound up
in insoluble indigestible phytate complexes. Up to 90% of the
magnesium,potassium and zinc in foods like barley, cashews,
walnuts, and rice is irreversibly tied up by phytic acid and
cannot be absorbed by the digestive system. Thus the phytase in
Detoxyzme results in a huge boost in mineral absorption from
diets high in nuts, seeds, and whole grains.

The benefits of essential minerals to human health cannot be
overemphasized. Magnesium is crucial for blood pressure
regulation and antioxidant production, zinc is critical for
normal immune function, and potassium is vital for blood
pressure and water balance and is found inside of every cell
in the body.

Fiberzyme: #3270 180 cap. will be back

Designed to combat yeast overgrowth and candida conditions in
the body. Fiberzyme is a high powered fiber-enzyme complex that
aids digestion and enhances absorption of nutrients. It fights
yeast infestation by digesting fungal and yeast cells. It works
best when combined with Polyzyme or Detoxzyme.

Lipozyme: #3269 180 cap.
Wholesale $99.50 Preferred Customer $115.21 Customer $130.92

A fat-digesting enzyme complex that promotes fat digestion and
enhances the absorption of fat-soluable vitamins such as vitamin
A, vitamin D, and vitamin E.

Polyzyme: #3256 90 cap
Wholesale $36.50 Preferred customer $42.16 Customer Price $48.03

The enzyme complexes in Polyzyme are used medically as powerful
anti-inflammatories that combat arthritis,irritable bowel
syndrome, fibromyalgia, ALS and food allergies.

By promoting complete digestion of proteins, Polyzyme increase
the production of key amino acids from food proteins. Amino
acids are absolutely vital for healthy immunity and health and
form the building blocks of hormone creation, tissue repair, and
muscle formation. By promoting complete digestion. Polyzyme
prevents putrefaction in the intestines that can lead to
allergies, liver stress, and toxic blood.

Protease 3.0, 4.5, 6.0 which are in Polyzyme are protein
digesting enzymes designed to work in a broad range of pH
conditions. Acid stable proteases are environment of the stomach
while alkaline proteases are more effective in the large
intestine. This combination of proteases is scientifically
formulated to maximize protein digestion and amino acid

KidScents MightyZyme Chewable #3259
Wholesale $24.50 Preferred customer $28.37 Customer price $32.24

A delicious high-powered vegetable enzyme complex for children.
Includes enzymes to digests proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Also includes folic acid and peppermint oil to enhance

The info on the enzymes was taken out of the new Essential Oils
'Desk Reference The Third Edition which you can order from
Essential Science Publishing.

Pricing for the book:

#3EDR6 -- 528 pages -- 4.1 lbs. -- pricing: -- 1-6 books
books $36.00-----14-27 books $33.00 and 28 and up $29.00

The pocket book #3EOP3 -- 268 pages -- pricing: --1-6 books
books $13.95 and 14 + $12.95

Call to order today 1-800-336-6308


4. Are You A Sugar Addict?


Think you might be a sugar addict? You can find out from my
friend Connie Bennett's website www.sugarshock.com. Take the test
called "Are You Sugar Shocked"? Connie is the author of the
forthcoming book "Sugar Shock" and her website is loaded with
information about the woes of sugar addiction. She has a new
coaching program coming up to help people kick the sugar habit.
Stop by her site and tell her I said "hi"!


5. Natural Remedies for Indigestion


What is really need for what is called "Acid Indigestion" is an
alkalinizing agent! Here are two of my favorites that I use and
find to be very effective (also for alkalinizing in general and
not only after a huge meal):

1. Umeboshi Plums

This plum is actually from the apricot family - its been used as
a healing food and medicine in China, Korea, and Japan. They are
dried and packed in barrels with sea salt. They contain loads of
minerals, protein, and even a little fat (which is great for a
fruit!) They are abundant in calcium, iron, and phosphorous. It
is called the 'king of alkalinizing foods'.

You can get these plums, or also plum paste, in most health food
stores. I suggest you keep in the frig - they keep a long time.

I take either a small amount of the plum and put it directly in
my mouth (makes you pucker!), or another great way is to put in a
cup of Kukicha Tea.

2. Alkalime

One of my all time favorites for those 'post dinner bloats' is
Alkalime (this comes from the Young Living product line).

AlkaLime is an alkaline mineral complex that safely reduces the
acidity of your digestive system.

Alkalime contains: 692 mg of Calcium,573 mg of Sodium and 142 mg
of Magnesium per serving.
How to use: Stir 1 teaspoon in 6 to 8 oz. of distilled or
purified water and drink immediately. Mix only with water. For
best results, drink one hour before or after eating.

Ingredients: Sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate, magnesium
citrate, citric acid, potassium bicarbonate, sea salts, and a
proprietary blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils of lemon
(Citrus limon) and lime (Citrus aurantifolia).

And last but not least !!! - Peppermint Oil

Peppermint essential oil is a must have on your dessert cart at
Thanksgiving. It's the desert's desert !!! Some people like to
rub it on their belly after a meal to prevent indigestion.
Another way to take it is to put one drop in a glass of water and
sip it.


6. Gratitude


We must never forget the 'reasons for the seasons' and the true
meaning of Thanksgiving.

Giving thanks and being grateful is something to remember at this
time, and no better place to feel it, do it, be it - is with
loved ones at this festive occasion. Especially when the
challenging family issues come up, as it most often does at
family holiday gatherings - holding the energy of gratefulness
can help overcome much angst in the family relationship

Not only that - but just the 'frequency of thanks' alone can help
attract more good in life. Work with the law of attraction here.

The best way to do it - make a list of all the things that you
are grateful for, and keep that in your conscious awareness - as
opposed to the things that make you upset.

Here's one thing on my list:

I am grateful for all of YOU - the HomeSpaLady readers - and to
have the opportunity to share my years of knowledge, practice,
and personal experience with you. Thank you !!!


7. Idea for Black Friday Night ! A Great HomeSpa Treatment


Wow . . .after all day Tuesday shopping for turkey dinner. .

. .then all day Wednesday cooking and cleaning for turkey dinner,

.then all day Thursday preparing and eating turkey dinner,

. . .then all day Friday shopping for great deals presents -

. . .are you ever ready for a long hot lavender milk bath !!

here's how:

run a hot bath - place 7 - 10 drops of lavender into 1/2 cup of
milk - pour into the tub and swish around - then soak, breathe,
and smile :)


Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is
intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a
substitute for medical care nor to prescribe treatment for any
medical health condition. The publisher and subscriber assume no
responsibility to or liability for any person or group for any
loss, damage, or injury from the use or misuse of any information
in this newsletter.