Home Spa Lady

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Home Spa Lady / Natural Home-Made Holiday Ideas / Dec 12 '05 / Issue #3

HomeSpaLady's Natural Wellness Newsletter
Issue # 3 - December 12, 2005
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
mail to: marilee777@aol.com
HomeSpaLady ™

HomeSpaLady's 'Natural Wellness News'


Natural Wellness in your home . . . and in your everyday life!


Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based
on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification
of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!



In This Issue

1. Natural Home-Made Holiday Ideas for Decorating and Gifts

2. Spas in Hospitals - The Next Trend?

3. Aromatherapy Soothes Cancer Patients

4. 'The Continuum' - Movement that Heals and Helps Aging

5. Give Yourself a 'Bath Kiss'

6. A Channeled Message by Barbara Brennan

7. 'Your' Topics of Interest


1.Home Made Natural Holiday Ideas for Decorating and Gifts

* Scented Pine Cones
Pine Cones hold scent - even therapeutic grade
essential oils that have no additives and
fixatives. Christmas Spirit Essential Oil Blend
(YL) is a great blend to use for the holiday.
Drop several drops of oil into a spray bottle
with water. Spray your pine cones.

* Natural Moth Chaser
Combine 2 cups of cedar chips and 2 cups of
lavender buds.
Add 3 drops Lemon Oil, 5 drops cedarwood, and 5
drops of lavender
Mix in glass bowl
Place mixture in basket and set in closet or make
sachets and hang in closet

* Natural Dry-Itchy Skin Eliminator
A great gift for your 'itchy friends'.
Mix this blend in a pretty blue bottle and tie it
with a red ribbon with a tag 'For your bath'
Mix together:
6 drops hyssop oil
9 drops lavender
6 drops of geranium oil
1/4 cup sweet-almond oil
Instructions: Add to warm bath water and soak
for twenty minutes (this makes about 3 baths)


2. Spas in Hospitals - The Next Trend?

Some of you read my blog posting on December 10th
(www.HomeSpaLady.com/Blog) about the "Chuckle Channel" - a 24
hour television station that plays at Honolulu's Queens Medical
Center to bring in Humor Therapy for the patients. These CAM
(Complementary and Alternative Medicine) Therapies are becoming
more popular at progressive institutions. Now there are 'spas'
in hospitals.

The Oasis Spa Banner Desert Medical Center in Mesa Arizona is a
hospital based spa that makes services available for staff,
volunteers, and patients. This hybrid facility offers massage,
waxing,pedicures and other holistic therapies.


3. Aromatherapy Soothes Cancer Patients


Many of you HomeSpaLady readers are bodyworkers, hospice nurses,
energy healers, and the like who are familiar with using
therapeutic grade essential oils with people with diseases such
as cancer.

Some of you are even spawning programs in facilities and
organizations using this modality.

It's always good to know that some of the 'giants' are behind you
also doing what you're doing - it can make leaps easier.

The MD Anderson Cancer Center at The University of Texas is using
aromatherapy in their 'Place of. . .wellness'
http://www.mdanderson.org/departments/wellness/ along with over
70 CAM Therapies. They report that aromatherapy offers the
greatest help with anxiety and sleeplessness.

The National Cancer Institute also has a report on Aromatherapy
and Cancer


4. The Continuum - Movement that Heals and Helps Aging


It's not easy to explain and understand what The Continuum is,
but when you hear that it is helping people with spinal cord
injuries get out of their wheelchairs and walk - it gets your
attention enough to investigate.

The Continuum is a form of movement that was created by Emilie
Conrad who was a movement specialist in research studies led by
Dr. Valerie Hunt at UCLA in the late 1970's.

Emilie is from NYC and has a background in ballet. After Afro-
Haitian dance in Haiti, Emilie started to make discoveries about
primary movements and how the fluid systems in our bodies
communicate it's 'bio-intelligence' with it's environment. Her
continuing study is bringing insights into healing disease,
paralysis, and the aging process.

Having been a former dancer myself,I loved taking a workshop with
her. The movements are spiral, arc, curve, and undulate. Some
primal sound is also used. To me this was simply and profoundly
just like natural 'unwinding' in the body. In my opinion, there
is nothing greater than stimulating the natural healing
mechanisms in our bodies - and this certainly does that.

The best part - you can do this movement at home, but you need to
invest in an 'Explore Board' and 'Flight Plan'.

Emilie has a private practice in Los Angeles focusing on the
treatment of connective tissue disease and spinal cord injuries.

For more info: http://www.continuummovement.com/overview_fs.htm


5. Give Yourself a Bath Kiss


Bath Kisses are a good thing to give to yourself. Yes, it would
be a good gift idea for someone else, but it has to be kept in
the freezer!

My friend who recommended this to me said that although there are
many oils you can use, a really good combination is
Frankincense with Orange.

Melt 1 ounce of cocoa butter and 2/3 ounce shea butter.
Separately blend 4 drops of Frankincense with 4 drops Orange and
mix with the butter mixture
Pour into small candy molds ( or tiny ice cube trays).
Place in the freezer for 30 minutes. Just drop 2 - 3 pieces
in your hot bath!


6. A Channeled Message by Barbara Brennan


As a graduate of the four year Barbara Brennan School of Healing
Science, I receive a beautiful holiday card every year with a
wonderful message channeled by Barbara.

I want to share with you this years channeled message:

"Love is the most powerful healing tool in the universe, for it
is only by its absence that illness, strife, or any kind of
problem or issue arises."


7. 'Your' Topics of Interest

What topics do you want to read about along the lines of Natural
Health and Healing and how you can empower yourself?

Send me an email and let me know how you would like to 'spa' in
your every day life !!!


Happy Holidays !

I wish you lots of love and joy in this holiday season.

Don't forget to take care of yourself and remember to take a deep
breath and say "SPA-AHHHHHHHHHHHHH".

Yours with Spa-Filled Seasons Greetings,



Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is
intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a
substitute for medical care nor to prescribe treatment for any
medical health condition. The publisher and subscriber assume no
responsibility to or liability for any person or group for any
loss, damage, or injury from the use or misuse of any information
in this newsletter.


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