Home Spa Lady / Make 2006 The Year For Pampering / Dec 29 '05 / Issue # 5
HomeSpaLady's Tips of the Week
Issue # 5 - December 29, 2005
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
mail to: marilee777@aol.com
HomeSpaLady ™
Home Spa Lady's 'Tips of the Week'
Make Every Day a Spa Day!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based
on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification
of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!
In This Issue
1. Make 2006 The Year for Pampering Yourself
2. Setting Your Intention for the New Year
3. Reinventing Yourself - A Great Anti-Aging Therapy
4. Natural Hangover Cures
5. Spa Trends to Watch in 2006
6. Spa Cuisine: Delicious Dip for New Years Eve
7. A Personal Reflection, a Note, and Warm Wishes to You
1. Make 2006 The Year for Pampering Yourself
Pampering yourself is about self-care. It's about giving to yourself so that you can be the best you can be, feel the best you can feel, and look the best you can look.
But how many people do you know who make pampering a priority?
Not many if any - because lack of self-care is at epidemic proportions. That's why the "spa" theme is so popular, because the need is so great.
And everybody is just too busy.
What busy-ness is saying is "I have to fulfill all of these obligations and demands outside of myself". For the most part, people put themselves last on the list, if they make it there at all.
So what happens from a lack of self care?
The body ages faster, gains more weight, becomes more susceptible to disease, and unhappiness becomes a normal state.
So you might say, - "well Who has time for pampering?". . .
. . .and I say "ah ! but there are ways to pamper ourselves daily - that are easy, affordable, and portable too."
The reason I can say this is because seven years ago when I learned about this - my life changed drastically.
Seven years ago I was introduced to therapeutic essential oils.
This was very different from the 'aromatherapy' I studied in my board certification process to become a Holistic Nurse. The experiences with these oils were 'energetic' - based on 'subtle energy' - of which I studied for four years with physicist Barbara Brennan.
I observed that these plant oils had enough vital force (or chi) and natural properties to:
--Realign a spine with a simple application on the bottom of the feet --Encourage hair growth
--Reduce wrinkles on the face
--Diminish broken blood vessels
--Calm an extremely nervous person by rubbing them on her wrists - balancing the digestive track of someone who couldn't keep food down
--Release pent up grief after loss of a loved one
--Instill confidence and courage
--Elevate the mood of a depressed person
--Stop someone from snoring
--Help insomnia
It almost sounds too good to believe, doesn't it? I would think that too if I hadn't experienced and witnessed 7 years of what I call'mini-miracles'.
Here are essential oil recipes for some of the above conditions:
Hair growth
10 drops cedarwood
8 drops rosemary
10 drops sandalwood
10 drops lavender
Add equal amounts of base massage oil and massage 1 tsp of mixture into the scalp vigorously for 2 - 3 minutes; leave on scalp for 60-90 minutes ( a great time to do this would be during an exercise routine).
Shampoo out.
Help insomnia - Vetiver - apply a few drops to the bottom of the feet
Stop Snoring - thyme oil - rub on bottom of feet
Want to learn more?
A very special tele-seminar is taking place Thursday January 5th.
"How To Use Essential Oils to Pamper Your Body and Soul"
To find out more - go to:
Seating on this call is limited, so act soon.
2. Setting Your Intention for the New Year
Intention is an invisible power that everyone can access to help shape their reality. People who practive the power of intention share a common awareness that 'the forces greater than us all' respond to the slightest intentions placed by thought, voice, or written word.
There is no better time than the turn of a new year to utilize the power of intention to help create what you want.
It can be about:
- how you look (weight, hair, skin, clothing)
- how you think (changing habitual thoughts from negative to positive)
- how your body feels (energy levels, strength, flexibility)
- how your emotions run (depression vs.happiness)
- how your live your spiritual life (faith vs. fear)
Whatever you want to create in your life, use the power of intention to help you.
To read more about The Power of Intention, visit Dr. Wayne Dyer's website at http://www.drwaynedyer.com
If you want to amplify the Power of Intention in your life - sign up for Home Spa Lady's Teleseminar 'How To Use Essential Oils to Pamper your Body and Soul'.
There will be a section on using essential oils with affirmations to help create your own reality.
Read more about what you can learn at:
3. Reinventing Yourself - A Great Anti-Aging Therapy
Have you ever gotten together with old friends and noticed that some of them are still living back in the 60's, 70's, or whatever your era was?
Of the people I know, it's not the long sideburns and their original Mustang cars that show their age as much as it is their thinking. And I believe their thinking shows in their face and body. They usually look older than the rest of us.
Reinventing ourselves can keep us younger longer.
Think of the people you know who seem much younger than their age. Do you notice if they've had many different chapters of their lives?
Reinventing yourself is not just about slowing aging, it's also good to consider if you are just plain unhappy about how your life is turning out.
The new year is a good time to beging the reinvention process, and it is a process, its not something that can happen overnight.
Here are some steps to Reinventing Yourself:
--Create your vision and make a personal vision statement.
--Clarify what needs to change first.
--Create a dream board with pictures cut out of magazines and
catalogs of what you want to have in your new state of being
--Develop an action plan with goals and timelines
--Do one act everyday to work toward your vision - its best if it
is completely out of your current routine
--Make all of your decisions with your new vision in mind
--Reinforce your new image in your mind with everything you do
--Break out of your comfort zone and don't be afraid to startle
people - grow a moustache, cut your hair, dress differently
--Find a support team or a master mind group
--Read this quote from Mark Twain every day:
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that but the really great make you feel that you too can become great."
4. Natural Anti- Hangover Tips
The best tip of all is not to drink alcohol.
A great champagne substitute is Martinelli's Sparkling Cider sold in most grocery stores. It comes in a champagne looking bottle with a foil covered plastic cork.
If you do decide to imbibe - here are ways to treat the Festive Illness
Homeopathic remedies can help. They are based on the Law of Similars. Look for the remedy called "Nux Vomica" in your health food store and follow the directions. Just take a few small pellets under the tongue a few times a day.
Vitamin B Complex before retiring
Activated Charcoal Tablets - charcoal is an adsorbant (and absorbant)
Young Living Essential Oil Blend "Harmony". Rub this oil on your sternum and back of neck.
5. Spa Trends to Watch in 2006
The Global Spa Resource SpaFinder revealed 2006 trends this month. Some trends listed were:
--Spa consumers who are raising their spa-IQ - they are savvier in what to look for in 2006
--Home Spa-ers turning empty bedrooms into fitness, meditation and massage rooms
--Water therapies are becoming more popular - watsu, spa water parks
--Spas focus on wellness and renewal
--More opulent spas along with more discount spas
--Men only spas
--Spa emphasis on fitness, health, diet
--Spa website include blogging from guests
--Group activities for singles at the spas
6. Spa Cuisine: Delicious Dip for New Years Eve
Warm Tomato Pesto with Goat Cheese
2 (10-ounce) logs goat cheese
2 small (8 ounce) jars of sun-dried tomato pesto
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
In a small terra cotta baking dish lay 2 logs of goat cheese side by side. Smash slightly with a fork to spreadout a bit. Pour sun-dried tomato pesto on top of goat cheese. Top with crushed walnuts. Drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes, or until bubbly. Serve with crostini.
For extra flavor, sprinkle 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary and 1 teaspoon chopped fresh basil on top of the goat cheese before adding the pesto.
Recipe from Gannett News Service
7. A Personal Reflection, a Note, and Warm Wishes to You
As I reflected on this past year of moving out of my professional offices and taking sabbatical from my practice and teaching to give birth to Home Spa Lady, I was able to list and put into perspective what I've done and am doing.
I've contracted to expand.
I've let go of local community leadership to become a more active particpant in the global community.
I've created new relationships and re-formed old ones.
I've started a new medium of communication with my world and the world at large, and my 'target market'- who really just feel like friends.
I've repackaged, redesigned, and REINVENTED myself to keep pace with my heart, intuition, and purpose.
I sit at a screen and share my knowledge, passion, experience, and expertise - and send it out to the world in the form of my website, blog, egroup, and this ezine - and I trust that the information will find those that need and want it. An exercise in blind faith.
I've been trained, and continue to be trained, by industry experts who don't hold my hand, but just shine the light on the path as I breathlessly try to keep up with them.
And I open my heart, hearth, and home to you with the hopes that you will take me up on the invitation, and continue to be part of the Home Spa Lady community.
Wow - what a great exercise this process of reflection was! I highly recommend that you do this too - and if you need a reader, please send it to me - I would love to read your reflections of 2005.
Well, you probably noticed that the name of the newsletter is different than its given name since the contest. It is now Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week.
Like I said, I'm working with industry experts and they know the internet terrain better than I, so I've followed their suggestions and changed the name to suit the purposes of attracting more readers.
So, stay onboard with me here - its going to be an exciting 2006. I've got lots of wonderful things planned for you - many fun ways to learn.
Don't forget to sign up for next weeks tele-seminar 'How to Use Essential Oils to Pamper Your Body and Soul' on Thursday January 5th at 8 PM EST. For details and registration go to:
My wish for you is that 2006 is your best year ever!
Try reinventing yourself, make plans for pampering, plan a spa vacation, go beyond your current comfort zone so you can access a greater comfort zone, and learn to have faith in the unknown.
The rewards will be so great...
...and don't forget to have fun,
so 'Get Your Kicks in 2006' !
Take a deep breath and say SPA-AHHHHH
All the best,
Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is
intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a
substitute for medical care nor to prescribe treatment for any
medical health condition. The publisher and subscriber assume no
responsibility to or liability for any person or group for any
loss, damage, or injury from the use or misuse of any information
in this newsletter.
Issue # 5 - December 29, 2005
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
mail to: marilee777@aol.com
HomeSpaLady ™
Home Spa Lady's 'Tips of the Week'
Make Every Day a Spa Day!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who is
interested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty based
on principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personal
empowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxification
of the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!
In This Issue
1. Make 2006 The Year for Pampering Yourself
2. Setting Your Intention for the New Year
3. Reinventing Yourself - A Great Anti-Aging Therapy
4. Natural Hangover Cures
5. Spa Trends to Watch in 2006
6. Spa Cuisine: Delicious Dip for New Years Eve
7. A Personal Reflection, a Note, and Warm Wishes to You
1. Make 2006 The Year for Pampering Yourself
Pampering yourself is about self-care. It's about giving to yourself so that you can be the best you can be, feel the best you can feel, and look the best you can look.
But how many people do you know who make pampering a priority?
Not many if any - because lack of self-care is at epidemic proportions. That's why the "spa" theme is so popular, because the need is so great.
And everybody is just too busy.
What busy-ness is saying is "I have to fulfill all of these obligations and demands outside of myself". For the most part, people put themselves last on the list, if they make it there at all.
So what happens from a lack of self care?
The body ages faster, gains more weight, becomes more susceptible to disease, and unhappiness becomes a normal state.
So you might say, - "well Who has time for pampering?". . .
. . .and I say "ah ! but there are ways to pamper ourselves daily - that are easy, affordable, and portable too."
The reason I can say this is because seven years ago when I learned about this - my life changed drastically.
Seven years ago I was introduced to therapeutic essential oils.
This was very different from the 'aromatherapy' I studied in my board certification process to become a Holistic Nurse. The experiences with these oils were 'energetic' - based on 'subtle energy' - of which I studied for four years with physicist Barbara Brennan.
I observed that these plant oils had enough vital force (or chi) and natural properties to:
--Realign a spine with a simple application on the bottom of the feet --Encourage hair growth
--Reduce wrinkles on the face
--Diminish broken blood vessels
--Calm an extremely nervous person by rubbing them on her wrists - balancing the digestive track of someone who couldn't keep food down
--Release pent up grief after loss of a loved one
--Instill confidence and courage
--Elevate the mood of a depressed person
--Stop someone from snoring
--Help insomnia
It almost sounds too good to believe, doesn't it? I would think that too if I hadn't experienced and witnessed 7 years of what I call'mini-miracles'.
Here are essential oil recipes for some of the above conditions:
Hair growth
10 drops cedarwood
8 drops rosemary
10 drops sandalwood
10 drops lavender
Add equal amounts of base massage oil and massage 1 tsp of mixture into the scalp vigorously for 2 - 3 minutes; leave on scalp for 60-90 minutes ( a great time to do this would be during an exercise routine).
Shampoo out.
Help insomnia - Vetiver - apply a few drops to the bottom of the feet
Stop Snoring - thyme oil - rub on bottom of feet
Want to learn more?
A very special tele-seminar is taking place Thursday January 5th.
"How To Use Essential Oils to Pamper Your Body and Soul"
To find out more - go to:
Seating on this call is limited, so act soon.
2. Setting Your Intention for the New Year
Intention is an invisible power that everyone can access to help shape their reality. People who practive the power of intention share a common awareness that 'the forces greater than us all' respond to the slightest intentions placed by thought, voice, or written word.
There is no better time than the turn of a new year to utilize the power of intention to help create what you want.
It can be about:
- how you look (weight, hair, skin, clothing)
- how you think (changing habitual thoughts from negative to positive)
- how your body feels (energy levels, strength, flexibility)
- how your emotions run (depression vs.happiness)
- how your live your spiritual life (faith vs. fear)
Whatever you want to create in your life, use the power of intention to help you.
To read more about The Power of Intention, visit Dr. Wayne Dyer's website at http://www.drwaynedyer.com
If you want to amplify the Power of Intention in your life - sign up for Home Spa Lady's Teleseminar 'How To Use Essential Oils to Pamper your Body and Soul'.
There will be a section on using essential oils with affirmations to help create your own reality.
Read more about what you can learn at:
3. Reinventing Yourself - A Great Anti-Aging Therapy
Have you ever gotten together with old friends and noticed that some of them are still living back in the 60's, 70's, or whatever your era was?
Of the people I know, it's not the long sideburns and their original Mustang cars that show their age as much as it is their thinking. And I believe their thinking shows in their face and body. They usually look older than the rest of us.
Reinventing ourselves can keep us younger longer.
Think of the people you know who seem much younger than their age. Do you notice if they've had many different chapters of their lives?
Reinventing yourself is not just about slowing aging, it's also good to consider if you are just plain unhappy about how your life is turning out.
The new year is a good time to beging the reinvention process, and it is a process, its not something that can happen overnight.
Here are some steps to Reinventing Yourself:
--Create your vision and make a personal vision statement.
--Clarify what needs to change first.
--Create a dream board with pictures cut out of magazines and
catalogs of what you want to have in your new state of being
--Develop an action plan with goals and timelines
--Do one act everyday to work toward your vision - its best if it
is completely out of your current routine
--Make all of your decisions with your new vision in mind
--Reinforce your new image in your mind with everything you do
--Break out of your comfort zone and don't be afraid to startle
people - grow a moustache, cut your hair, dress differently
--Find a support team or a master mind group
--Read this quote from Mark Twain every day:
"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that but the really great make you feel that you too can become great."
4. Natural Anti- Hangover Tips
The best tip of all is not to drink alcohol.
A great champagne substitute is Martinelli's Sparkling Cider sold in most grocery stores. It comes in a champagne looking bottle with a foil covered plastic cork.
If you do decide to imbibe - here are ways to treat the Festive Illness
Homeopathic remedies can help. They are based on the Law of Similars. Look for the remedy called "Nux Vomica" in your health food store and follow the directions. Just take a few small pellets under the tongue a few times a day.
Vitamin B Complex before retiring
Activated Charcoal Tablets - charcoal is an adsorbant (and absorbant)
Young Living Essential Oil Blend "Harmony". Rub this oil on your sternum and back of neck.
5. Spa Trends to Watch in 2006
The Global Spa Resource SpaFinder revealed 2006 trends this month. Some trends listed were:
--Spa consumers who are raising their spa-IQ - they are savvier in what to look for in 2006
--Home Spa-ers turning empty bedrooms into fitness, meditation and massage rooms
--Water therapies are becoming more popular - watsu, spa water parks
--Spas focus on wellness and renewal
--More opulent spas along with more discount spas
--Men only spas
--Spa emphasis on fitness, health, diet
--Spa website include blogging from guests
--Group activities for singles at the spas
6. Spa Cuisine: Delicious Dip for New Years Eve
Warm Tomato Pesto with Goat Cheese
2 (10-ounce) logs goat cheese
2 small (8 ounce) jars of sun-dried tomato pesto
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
In a small terra cotta baking dish lay 2 logs of goat cheese side by side. Smash slightly with a fork to spreadout a bit. Pour sun-dried tomato pesto on top of goat cheese. Top with crushed walnuts. Drizzle with extra-virgin olive oil. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes, or until bubbly. Serve with crostini.
For extra flavor, sprinkle 1 teaspoon chopped fresh rosemary and 1 teaspoon chopped fresh basil on top of the goat cheese before adding the pesto.
Recipe from Gannett News Service
7. A Personal Reflection, a Note, and Warm Wishes to You
As I reflected on this past year of moving out of my professional offices and taking sabbatical from my practice and teaching to give birth to Home Spa Lady, I was able to list and put into perspective what I've done and am doing.
I've contracted to expand.
I've let go of local community leadership to become a more active particpant in the global community.
I've created new relationships and re-formed old ones.
I've started a new medium of communication with my world and the world at large, and my 'target market'- who really just feel like friends.
I've repackaged, redesigned, and REINVENTED myself to keep pace with my heart, intuition, and purpose.
I sit at a screen and share my knowledge, passion, experience, and expertise - and send it out to the world in the form of my website, blog, egroup, and this ezine - and I trust that the information will find those that need and want it. An exercise in blind faith.
I've been trained, and continue to be trained, by industry experts who don't hold my hand, but just shine the light on the path as I breathlessly try to keep up with them.
And I open my heart, hearth, and home to you with the hopes that you will take me up on the invitation, and continue to be part of the Home Spa Lady community.
Wow - what a great exercise this process of reflection was! I highly recommend that you do this too - and if you need a reader, please send it to me - I would love to read your reflections of 2005.
Well, you probably noticed that the name of the newsletter is different than its given name since the contest. It is now Home Spa Lady's Tips of the Week.
Like I said, I'm working with industry experts and they know the internet terrain better than I, so I've followed their suggestions and changed the name to suit the purposes of attracting more readers.
So, stay onboard with me here - its going to be an exciting 2006. I've got lots of wonderful things planned for you - many fun ways to learn.
Don't forget to sign up for next weeks tele-seminar 'How to Use Essential Oils to Pamper Your Body and Soul' on Thursday January 5th at 8 PM EST. For details and registration go to:
My wish for you is that 2006 is your best year ever!
Try reinventing yourself, make plans for pampering, plan a spa vacation, go beyond your current comfort zone so you can access a greater comfort zone, and learn to have faith in the unknown.
The rewards will be so great...
...and don't forget to have fun,
so 'Get Your Kicks in 2006' !
Take a deep breath and say SPA-AHHHHH
All the best,
Disclaimer: The information contained in this newsletter is
intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a
substitute for medical care nor to prescribe treatment for any
medical health condition. The publisher and subscriber assume no
responsibility to or liability for any person or group for any
loss, damage, or injury from the use or misuse of any information
in this newsletter.
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