Home Spa Lady / Healthy Way to Wash Veggies / Jan 18 '06 / Issue # 8
Home Spa Lady's
Tips of the Week
Issue # 8 - January 18, 2006
Publisher: Marilee Tolen RN
http://www.HomeSpaLady.com/blog (Blog)
Home Spa Lady ™
Make Every Day A Spa Day!
Please forward this e-newsletter to anyone you know who isinterested in natural health, wellness, healing, and beauty basedon principles of energy, consciousness, spirituality, personalempowerment, delicious whole foods, cleansing and detoxificationof the body and mind, and having a heck of a good time!
In This Issue
1. A Healthy Way to Wash Veggies, Fruit, and Eggs
2. The One Minute Shapely Derriere
3. Home-Made Foot Scrub from Your Favorite Beach
4. Best Zest for Skin Cancer Prevention
5. A De-Stress Gift For You - Open This Instant
6. HSL's Joke of the Week
1. A Healthy Way to Wash Veggies, Fruit, and Eggs
As I'm reading an Anti-Aging book written by a few MedicalDoctors (names withheld to protect the innocent), I find myselfappalled as I dive into the section on Methods for CleaningFoods. I thought these guys would have a little more eco-awareness.
The suggested substance was diluted Clorox - yuck! Don't theyrealize how harmful the effects are of ingesting chlorine? Itkills the healthy bacteria and other good flora in our intestinaltract, among other things.
"Well, that's the point" you say, "we want to get rid ofbacteria, fungus, metallics, and sprays in our foods, don't we?"
Absolutely! But there is a healthier way to do it. Enter, onceagain, essential oils.
Essential Oils have the ability to eliminate unwanted bacteria,fungus, sprays, and other pollutants that are harbored on freshfoods. Unlike Clorox, essential oils don't destroy the entirebounty of beautiful microbes that are naturally occurring, nor dothey affect the healthy mineral content. The same thing holdstrue when we ingest essential oils (given they are organic andtherapeutic grade). They don't destroy all of the flora likeClorox would (and like anti-biotics too). Essential oils respectthe normal environment and only get rid of the invasive critters.
Here's how to bathe your fresh foods with essential oils:
--The best oils to use are citrus oils - like lemon and orange.
--Create a bath water in a clean sink or a big pot and addseveral drops of your essential oil.
--Separate foods into groups - leafy vegetables, root vegetables,thin skin fruit ,thick skin fruit, and eggs.
--Place each group into the bath water (changing water as youchange groups).
--Immerse the foods and then take out of the water and immerseagain. You can keep the leafy greens in the water for up to 5minutes, and the thicker skinned veggies and fruits up to 10minutes.
--Scrub the thicker skinned root vegetables and fruits with afood scrubber.
--Eggs can be exposed to pesticide sprays in pens, so cleaningthe eggshell with the egg still intact can be helpful
--Meats and other flesh foods can be soaked for 20 minutes inthis mixture.
2. The Shapely Derriere
Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce Knowles are accused of creating thisfashion rage, and retailers are following suit by adjusting theirmannequins to demonstrate desirous derrieres.
Here are 3 ways to instantaneously create a fabulous fanny, and 2ways that require more time, effort, and a bit of cash:
--The Biniki Garment (no, its not misspelled bikini). This doesfor the back what bras do for the front. It has leg loops thatencircle the bottom and can add support and lift for someone whois small or flat.It also supports the larger derriere.
Retailsfor $29.95 and can be ordered at http://www.biniki-fashions.comor 1-888-554-5059.
--The Fanny Panty. It pads the posterior for $26.http://fredericks.com
--The right pair of jeans don't lead to pancake disaster.
RapperNelly's clothing line http://www.applebottoms.com
---Cosmetic Surgery: One technique offered by Dr. MichaelW. Gray of the Michigan Cosmetic Surgery Center and Skin Deep Spain West Bloomfield Township, Mich. called The Brazilian Buttlift($1400), and Liposuction ($1600) readjusts hips and thighs.
--Freedom from gadgets and cosmetic surgery gives you training ina gym.Ideal way to start: 30 minutes of cardio, then add squats,lunges, and squats holding dumbbells.
3. Home-Made Foot Scrub from Your Favorite Beach
If you live near the beach this will be an easy one for you. Ifnot, the next time you visit the beach make sure you take abucket of sand home with you for this scrub.
This is a home-made spa technique that is great for toughchallenging skin that develops on feet and heels. Sand is a greatexfoliant. In this recipe the fatty oil softens the skin, theessential oil invigorates it, and the sand exfoliates it.
2 Tbs. fatty oil (olive, coconut, canola, sesame - choose one)2 Tbs. sand from your favorite beach3 - 5 drops of rosemary essential oil
Combine these ingredients and mix it into a paste.Massage on the feet, concentrating on problem areas.Rinse off with warm water and pat dry.
4. Best Zest for Skin Cancer Prevention
Did you ever notice that lovely little spray that mists off thepeel of your lemon, orange, or grapefruit as you are opening itto eat, or zesting it for a recipe?
That spray from the peel is rich in a substance called d-limonene. It has been found to have properties that inhibitsquamous cell carcinoma and stop tumor growth. Squamous cellcarcinoma affects about 200,000 people in the United Statesevery year.
That spray from the peel is the essential oil of the fruit.
The essential oils from these citrus fruits can be used by you ona daily basis, easily, enjoyably, and deliciously.
Add a few drops in your water, tea, or recipes. Diffuse them inyour environment. Wear them on the bottom of your feet. Carrythem in your purse for an occasional inhale throughout your day.
Other ways to prevent skin cancer:
--Avoiding direct sun exposure between 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
--Wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15(somewhat controversial in holistic health circles)
--Get periodic skin cancer screenings from your healthcareprovider to help spot and treat early signs of skin disease.
--Look into the ART Skin Care System by Young Living EssentialOils, designed specifically for prevention of skin cancer andrejuvenation of facial skin. Studies have been done withFrankincense and Sandalwood, two of the main ingredients, findingextremely promising results on the destructive effects on cancercells.
Here's the research for you on Citrus and Squamous cell:http://tinyurl.com/ao9kc
5. A De-Stress Gift for You - Open This Instant
This is a favorite de-stressor among all age groups. Bet youdidn't think you could do this on the computer. Before you letyour anxiety unravel here, adjust your speakers.Click on this link and have a good time: http://tinyurl.com/wpd7
6. HSL's Joke of the Week
A woman named Jane was from Beverly Hills. One day, she had aheart attack and was taken to Cedars Sinai hospital.
While on the operating table, she had a near-death experience.She saw God and asked, "Is this it?"God said, "No, you have another 30 to 40 years to live."
Upon her recovery, she decided to stay in the hospital and havecollagen shots, cheek implants, a face lift, liposuction andbreast augmentation. She even had someone dye her hair. Shefigured since she had another 30 to 40 years, she might as wellmake the most of it.
She walked out of Cedars Sinai lobby after the last operation andwas killed by an ambulance speeding up to the hospital. Shearrived in front of God and said, "I thought you said I hadanother 30 to 40 years?"
God replied, "Jane! I didn't recognize you!"
Where to Meet, Hear, or Learn with Home Spa Lady:
February 7: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,apprentices, and Certified Practitioners
Details and registration athttp://www.homespalady.com/tele-seminars/mentoringinpjs.htm
February 24 - 26: Marlton, NJ
Workshop: Healing Touch Level 3Pre-requisites: Level 1 & 2Contact hours for nurses and massage therapists
Details and registration at:http://www.healingenergies.com/calendar.htm
March 13: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,apprentices, and Certified Practitioners
Details and registration athttp://www.homespalady.com/tele-seminars/mentoringinpjs.htm
March 18-19: Marlton, NJ
Workshop: Healing Touch Level 1Open to anyoneContact hours for nurses and massage therapists
Details and registration at:http://www.healingenergies.com/calendar.htm
April 3: In The Comfort of Your Home
Teleseminar: Mentoring in PJ's - For Healing Touch students,apprentices, and Certified Practitioners
Details and registration athttp://www.homespalady.com/tele-seminars/mentoringinpjs.htm
June 9: St. Paul, MN
American Holistic Nurses Association / American Holistic MedicalAssociation Joint Conference
"How To Turn The Internet Into Income For Your Holistic Practice"http://www.ahna.org/events/2006.html
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Marilee Tolen RN a.k.a. Home Spa Lady
Phone: 856-857-1799 (East Coast)
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